Stock sub "outbumping" door speakers. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock sub "outbumping" door speakers.


Active Member
February 23, 2001
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City, State
Yorba Linda, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport
My friend has the premium system in his 94 explorer with the sub in the back. He was telling me today that the sub is bumping loud enough that the people who sit in the back seat can't hear the music from the door speakers. He says that the sub is putting off good clean bass but just too much. Even when he turns the bass all the way down he is faced with the same problem. He has a 300 watt amp and thinks maybe he could hook it up to the door speakers to solve the problem. The door speakers may not be able to handle 75 watts though and it may not even solve the problem. What is your opinion of what he should do? He does have an aftermarket head unit if that makes any difference.

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Use the fader, the 300 watt sub will always beat the door speakers.

He used the fader and thats the only way he can get it to work but with the fader the back door speakers are not as loud it only brings more to the front and less to the back so it doesn't really solve the problem of the people in the back not being able to hear the music. I dont understand what you mean when you say the 300 watt ampo will always "beat" the door speakers, do you mean they will blow them?

If I remember correctly the stock sub is non-fading so that's not gonna help at all. Really there's not too much he can do other than turn the bass down and replace the stock speakers with after market ones. Also, who cares what the rear seat passengers are hearing!! If it is really a problem just disconnect the sub.


looks like he has some major stage problems. The stock HU isnt going to give him the control he needs, most aftermarket HU will offer a 3 RCA preout, with a non fading out for a subwoofer, which has its own volume control. My head unit has that. But the only way he's going to solve the problem correctly is go aftermarket. Configure the system in stages, Front stage, rear fill, and subs. I have my setup with the fade to the front a tad, i am running components up front, i want bright highs, and i get no complaints from the rear passengers, and i run two 12's on a 500 watt amp.

Good Luck...

The stock amps don't use RCA's so an aftermarket headunit won't help. Actually when I still had my stock setup and I added an aftermarket HU I got more bass from the stock sub so it may make things worse.

