Strange Bluetooth connection behavior | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strange Bluetooth connection behavior


Texas Elite Explorer
January 22, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Plano, TX.
Year, Model & Trim Level
None: SOLD 9/16
I have a Kenwood DPX-500BT installed as my H/U with 4 x Pioneer TSG6844R door speakers and an Excelon KFCXW800F shallow mount sub connected via the stock amp. Everything is matched electrically and sounds great. Been running this setup for about 2 years. The previous Mach system was starting to show its age.

At any rate, when I play a CD or any audio app (Pandora, iHeart.. etc) and when I listen to regular AM/FM radio I get excellent sound from all 5 speakers. However, I have a library of songs on my Galaxy S5 and when I play them (coupled via Bluetooth) I only get sound out of the front 2 speakers, Very odd, I have tried adjusting the balance and fade settings to no avail. It still sounds fine, just only out of the 2 front speakers. And this only happens on a BT connection. I'm thinking that there must be something screwy on my BT settings on my S5 that is only driving output to 2 speakers but I cannot find any setting like that on my phone.

Anybody ever run across this and/or have any feedback as to what the issue might be? Thanks!

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Anyone? Anyone? ...Bueller, Bueller?

Anyone? Anyone? ...Bueller, Bueller?
My Kenwood head unit Excelon KDC-X798 was doing the same thing when I first installed it, but there was an option somewhere (my HTC M9 phone or inside the h/u) to play Bluetooth either thru front speakers only or all four. I think they give you that option so folks in back can do their thing on their phones while you're driving. Anyway, I made it all-4 since that's how I roll.

My Kenwood head unit Excelon KDC-X798 was doing the same thing when I first installed it, but there was an option somewhere (my HTC M9 phone or inside the h/u) to play Bluetooth either thru front speakers only or all four. I think they give you that option so folks in back can do their thing on their phones while you're driving. Anyway, I made it all-4 since that's how I roll.

It's in the head unit under Bluetooth options,

BT HF/AUDIO FRONT: Outputs audio from the front left and right speakers. ; ALL: Outputs
audio from all the speakers.

You Sir, are a Gentleman and a Genius! A Gentleman for replying to my post (when I was thinking nobody would) and genius because... you were absolutely correct!! It took a few minutes to drop through the BT menu settings but when I found the "ALL" setting and switched it, it worked perfectly!
Output on all 4 speakers and the sub! Thanks!!
Carry On, Navy. Beat Army!! :salute:
USCG '77-'83
SAR USCGC Point Evans

You Sir, are a Gentleman and a Genius!

Ha! Never been accused of either of those faults. Just glad I could help. That's why ya love these forums, because eventually someone will come along and answer every question.
