Stuck in 4 wheel low, 97 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck in 4 wheel low, 97 Explorer


New Member
February 2, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer
I have a 1997 Explorer that is stuck in 4 wheel low. I was getting ready to purchase a 4 wheel drive switch motor but before I do this I was wondering if this will fix my problem. When I turn the switch on the dash to Auto, the 4 wheel drive light is off. When I turn it to 4 wheel drive, the 4 wheel drive light works. And finally when I turn to 4 wheel low, the 4 wheel low light activates. The only problem is that it never leaves 4 wheel low.
I was also wondering if this is a commom problem?
Thanks for any insight, Dan

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Just to make sure you're doing the proper procedure, when you are trying to get the vehicle out of 4LO, the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in Neutral correct?

Try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes, and reconnect. We have no idea why this works but it has for some people on the forum :rolleyes:

Yes, It is in neutral but I haven't tried the battery yet. I will disconnect it tonight and check it tommorow....Thanks

i had the same prob today after driving on the beach and disconected the batt and put back on and sloved the prob

Just to make sure you're doing the proper procedure, when you are trying to get the vehicle out of 4LO, the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in Neutral correct?

Try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes, and reconnect. We have no idea why this works but it has for some people on the forum :rolleyes:

to add to that after pushing the button while in neutral you might then have to reverse in an s shape to disengage 4low
