Stuck in LOW 4X4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck in LOW 4X4


February 2, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Cedar Rapids Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
I have an 02 Explorer. Started it up, and it's stuck in low. Put it into neutral, pressed the 4 high button, 4 low flashed. Put it into park, same thing. I replaced the 4x4 module last summer, so I'd hope that it is good. Please help ASAP.

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Have you tried backing up at least 10ft. to release any driveline bind?

I'm not sure if the 3rd gen cases are the same, but on the 2nd gen you can take the shift motor off and manually put it into 2 wheel high, the case is marked.


I just looked up our transfer case and yes, you can take the motor off and manually put it into 2 wheel drive. This is what it will look like. As already stated, I would make sure the driveline is not bound up before I started taking things apart.


Will this work on an auto 4x4?

My 02 has the automatic 4x4. Will this be the same? Kind of sucks because we have 2 more months of winter left.

4 hi & 4 low ok, no 2wd ????

I have a 1996 ford explorer limited, it is stuck in 4X4 i read the rebuild instructions and followed them closely, still will shift from 4low to 4hi but no 2wd so i went to a wrecking yard and got one that was the same (14 wire) to my dismay it does the same thing. B4 i buy more parts or spend a small fortune at "FORD" do any of you folks know what i can try next...stumped....Barry

I have a 1996 ford explorer limited, it is stuck in 4X4 i read the rebuild instructions and followed them closely, still will shift from 4low to 4hi but no 2wd so i went to a wrecking yard and got one that was the same (14 wire) to my dismay it does the same thing. B4 i buy more parts or spend a small fortune at "FORD" do any of you folks know what i can try next...stumped....Barry

Barry, this is the Stock 2002 - 2005 Explorers Section. You might have better luck posting and/or searching in one of these sections:

Stock 1995 - 2001 Explorers

Explorer & Ranger Transmissions, Transfer Cases, & Differentials

I just looked up our transfer case and yes, you can take the motor off and manually put it into 2 wheel drive. This is what it will look like. As already stated, I would make sure the driveline is not bound up before I started taking things apart.

Mine is exactly like this and stuck in 4x4. It only shows a high/low option, what location puts it in 2wd?

My 02 is stuck in 4x4, I've removed the motor to manually put it in 2wd but the back of the t-case only shows H, N and L... Is there another selector for 4wd and the motor only shifts High/Low?
