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Tail light mod


October 10, 2013
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2008 Sport Trac -xlt-v6
I am planning on modding my 2008 ford explorer sport trac tail lights. I am going attempt to make them look like F-150 Head lights(will post progress when i begin). To do that i need to know how to take the tail light apart and get to the interior of it. So how do i get it apart? Also has anyone else attempted this?

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well to get into my 2001 mustang headlights i had to cut em open, i used a die grinder. im pretty sure cutting is bout the only way to get into the light assemblies since all the ones ive seen are glued together.

I have herd of people baking them to soften up the glue on head lights to install HID bulbs. You will have to hunt around a bit but Im sure the info is out there somewhere.

I assumed cutting and baking was the only options i am just trying to figure out which one is the best also when you bake does the head light warp at all
