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take 2


2/1974-4/2015 RIP
Elite In Memoriam
July 9, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Freeland, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 SAS X, 94 3000GT VR-4
OK, I know things have been mad slow with the whole 'XX' thing lately, I want to get it going again, redesign the website and get some runs going again. within the next week, I plan on reforming the club, mostly to weed out members that no longer exsist or no longer have any intrest. There will be a signup page posted shortly to get members info. I know alot of you have been members for quite some time now but to make things easier, ill ask that everyone sign up again. There will also be a new forum. This whole thing isnt the easiest thing to do alone either, so maybe a few of you can help out with the site and member info processing if ya want. I plan on setting up somewhat of a new format for the club, in the beginning, not separating areas to cut down on the confusion, as the club grows we will get separate regions. I would like to get 2 coordinators whos responsibilities will be putting together details for runs/meets, anyone can suggest a run and set it up, but it will be the responsibility of the coordinator(s) to finalize all the details eg: meeting times, accomodations, reservations, etc. I think ya know what I mean.

so what do ya'll think? Im open for suggestions.

Also, try to keep this thread on the organization of the club please. :)

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I wouldn't mind helping out. Let me know what I can do.

Anyone up for a M-n-G in the Philly area on the 31st?

Chris, let me know hat you need help wit,......im here

'Bout time you got your skinny old @$$ in gear and overhauled this club ;) Now if someone would just overhaul your brain, we'd be all good....

It's been brought to my attention that I'm the "Den Mother" for all of us (THANKS FOR THAT ONE, TARA! Sheesh, make me feel old why don't you, lol) and that I seem to do the best job organizing, so I'd like to apply for the position of 'runs organizer'. I don't have to list my credentials, do I? *EVERYone* is free to suggest/organize a get-together, though.

I'm also the only one who can draw minis of our trucks, so can I shoot for creating the new logo too?

Den Mother Linds Is The One To Pick!!!!!!

wahoooooo i def vote for Den Mother Lindsy!!! to be one of the coordinators...she always is pretty good with the **** the rest of us dont feel like dealing with..finding hotels..directions..places to go..etc..anyway..Linds should be coordinator # 1...and hello Ms. Linds wheres this "mini" drawling of Hotness u so-called promised me???


If you need some help with the site, let me know, I'll help out in any way I can :cool:

ExplorerSport77 said:
wahoooooo i def vote for Den Mother Lindsy!!! to be one of the coordinators...she always is pretty good with the **** the rest of us dont feel like dealing with..finding hotels..directions..places to go..etc..anyway..Linds should be coordinator # 1...and hello Ms. Linds wheres this "mini" drawling of Hotness u so-called promised me???

i know I know...i suck :rolleyes: I've been busy fixing Explorers and drawing the design for the new Tshirts, which is very detailed and takes a lot of time, sorry. When R u gonna put some nice rims on hotness to make her look even sweeter???? (i KNOW you don't want a stock mini, lol :D )

As usual, I'm in. :D. I guess I'm also the "resident old fart". Lemme know what you want me to do as far as helping with the website.

i jus wanted to add a pic of the gang so far...


  • gang3EF.jpg
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  • gang2ef.jpg
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Thanx everyone... well heres the deal, does anyone know HTML, like web/email forms, cgi files, stuff like that? also, we need a logo, spas came up with a great one but theres just too much detail for vinyl, we need something basic but not just the lettering. if anyone can help, great, if not its cool, it will just take a bit more time.

I like lizard's, and the third from the bottom on tara's

ExplorerSport77 said:
i jus wanted to add a pic of the eXtremeXplorers gang so far...

Soooo, I guess we're not part of the group, huh?

ExplorerSport77 said:
i jus wanted to add a pic of the gang so far...

Whats with the TEXAS plates?

Umm.....we got a Texan wit us,.........but hes in Brooklyn for now, and better keep his ass there :frustrate

Hell, I'm still in assuming I ever get my truck back. :rolleyes:

Not sure what I'm good for help wise, but if I can do anything let me know.

lizardtrac said:
Thanx everyone... well heres the deal, does anyone know HTML, like web/email forms, cgi files, stuff like that? also, we need a logo, spas came up with a great one but theres just too much detail for vinyl, we need something basic but not just the lettering. if anyone can help, great, if not its cool, it will just take a bit more time.


I know a bit about HTML, I took an online class in college....got an A+ too, and my course book is still on my desk, I'm sorry, but I have no idea what cgi files are unless you are talking about computer generated images, and I have no knowledge in that stuff, being artistically untalented, and I've never had a reason to use e-mail forms so I would have to research how to do those. If you need any of my knowledge, let me know

thats just awesome tara, and thank you very much for changing my picture for me, love ya even more for that... :bounce: ...

That looks great Tara. A good pic of mine if I do say so myself. Lemme know what I can do to help. I'm clueless to HTML but I can run Front Page 2000 :D

dam thas a great pict job Sweetie,............you and chris come up with the best photos and stuff like that. with u 2 doing all of this i really think this club is going to take off great and have some good style :bounce:

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