Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do???? | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do????

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Ok, tellico is in danger of losing land again and pirate 4x4 is holding an online rally to hellp gather support and get the word out. There was one a few weeks ago for johnson valley (the hammers) with huge sucess.

Just log into pirate 4x4 on may 7th between 4-9 PM EST and make a post with your support for the park. Include pictures from previous runs, storys, ect. Even if you live on the other side of the country you need to join in and help out. If you have never been to the site before, its ok. Just make a new screen name and post up.

Ok guys i have just got off the phone with the guys that own the Golden Mt Off Road Park that is just a few mins from my house. They had a unoffical run there last weekend and had over 550+ in attendance. They are still planning on holding a grand opening and im possibly going there this weekend to ride the trails to give a opnion of the place. From what he told me today there are trails for stock guys and trails for guys with big blocks, rockwells, and nuts bigger than you can walk with. It is susposed to be good. Miles of trails.

I am gonig to go ahead and see if you guys want to change the place to here. I will know more after i get to go out there and ride and will report back.

Tellico is loosing more and more land evey time they throw there fits. We still need to be at the online rally at Pirate just to show out support as wheelers.

Was there a date set for this run? I don't really want to look back through 18 pages. I need to get on replacing what has to be replaced...then decide on gears and probably a rear spool before this...

We have just decided on october. We were trying to pick a date but the whole Tellico might close came about and well that put a hault to everything

SO whats the work on this run?

Burns: what was your out look on that new park?

SO whats the work on this run?

Burns: what was your out look on that new park?

The work is i still want to go in October. Im thinking the third or fourth week. Im hoping the drive in will not get in the way of this. I dont see that happening at this time. So i am going to press on.

I got to check out just a bit of the park. I a little brush and then it rained the day i went. I will go get a better look soon. Here is a link to the thread on TOR. CLICK HERE

Sorry for replying slow... Im going to be keeping up with this better because its time to be planning this out good now.

The work is i still want to go in October. Im thinking the third or fourth week. Im hoping the drive in will not get in the way of this. I dont see that happening at this time. So i am going to press on.

I got to check out just a bit of the park. I a little brush and then it rained the day i went. I will go get a better look soon. Here is a link to the thread on TOR. CLICK HERE

Sorry for replying slow... Im going to be keeping up with this better because its time to be planning this out good now.

I cant give any thype of answer right now, but that is something I may be willing to take a drive and join in

Ya... im parting out my truck so I wont be coming. Unless someone from my area is coming down also and I can hitch a ride.

Any word on the trip yet? I want to see Tellico before its all gone...

I have not seen anything or heard anything on it in a while.

Tellico Run! Is this trip still ON?

I'm looking to get my 94 EX dirty and meet some other Explorers. Is this trip still ON? :scratch:

I live in Atlanta and would love to go up for a weekend in October. I even got my wife interested in going.

She actually said yes!

How do I sign up? If this is definite, what are the dates so we can make campground reservation?

I little mud never hurt anybody. :roll:

I saw there is a marina at one of the campgrounds. I could bring a ski boat! No, I mean my "truck-boat-truck" :D

Late October would probably be best!

Here's the October schedule at Tellico ORV. Late in the month is still open!


October 3-5 22nd Annual Dixie Run
Southern Four Wheel Drive Association (SFWDA)


October 10-12 Jeep Jamboree - 25th Appalachian


The schedule after the 12th seems open.

I would love to get some feedback and at least have an informal meet and greet/trail ride with some of the members of Explorer forum!

If anybody is still interested please post so we can come up with some dates.

still sounds fun to me


I guess it will be just me and the "The lime" Burns. :(

Somebody set a date then I can say but I will be there if I can. Weekend of Oct. 18 and Nov. 1 will be my best chances.

Hey "harv64" I'm looking at 25 acres in Vale, NC if it all comes together maybe we can make our own place to ride trails.:burnout:

I'm in for Friday night and Saturday night. October 18th and 19th, if anybody else can make it.

I'm in, If we can get a few more ppl interested maybe we can secure a Private campground nearby! Any suggestions? :dunno:

I say private just incase someone :rolleyes: might want to imbibe in the evening.

Lets Roll! :us:

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