Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do???? | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do????

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That is a very good option. I want my rig out there one day in the new few years. It will happen.... Just got to get my self ready for that LONGGGGGGG drive haha

I have a email out to them about having a EF group run at grey rock to see about some good rates.

How about Grey Rock guys.

My local club is planning on renting out grayrock in the next few months, ive heard its some awesome wheelin'

Well there is the potential June Attica run. Also, there is Chubfest there in August. Also could make an Oct run.

My spring break fell through so I'm gonna see if vacation is there for the Moab run, which if i wreck the bronco could wreck me for the June Attica run.

Hopefully enough of Tellico stays open to warrant a trip there.

Really we will just have to wait and see. I think more is open than that. Im trying to see what is open by using another forum that frequents there

Here's the latest posting of projects by the National Forest Service.

Page 31 states:
"The proposed actions include two closure orders for trails in the Upper Tellico OHV Area. A seasonal closure from January 1 - March 31 of the entire area, and additional one-year closures of Lower Trail 2, Trail 7, Trail 9, and a portion of Trail 8."

More info here

My spring break fell through so I'm gonna see if vacation is there for the Moab run, which if i wreck the bronco could wreck me for the June Attica run.

So don't wreck it.. Simple as that :D

I'm most likely in whatever event you guys want to do ...

Add me to the point and laugh at that guys ride group ... Or easy ... whichever works :)

We can always do River Rock if Tellico falls through.

Grey Rock will SUCK for guys that arent built. Simple as that. That place is not a stocker friendly place.

Depending on the size of the group we can get, we can schedule our own weekend at River Rock and have it whenever we want. Otherwise we have to find a weekend that another group has it open and is allowing public rides. (its not open all the time). River Rock has enough for everyone....friendly trails, absolutely ridiculous trails, and tons of playground areas.

Where is River Rock?

Milledgeville, ga....jsut east of Macon

Since it seems like you guys wanna crawl, theres always Hannibal Rocks/Rockport Offroad Park

listen burns< you started this thread, just make it happen ok?:p:

listen burns< you started this thread, just make it happen ok?:p:

Its gonna be done. Ill be doing some searching when it comes closer to tellico to open so i can possibly go up there and see whats open before this run to give us a report

Anybody been to Brown Mountain? I know it has OHV trails but I have no idea if they are good or not. If anybody close to Grandfather Mountain area wants to join me I would be up for a scouting trip there?

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they suck.
