Texas Lost High Way Route 87 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Texas Lost High Way Route 87

I should've warned you guys that Fug has this unique talent for finding *****y, complaining, Lil miss Jerraldine Springers, LOL. We had the single biggest ***** on the East Coast in our group- After she tried to sleep with half the members, she whined and lied until it wrecked the club and turned all the members against each other. Of course I'm never going to let him forget it that HE was the one who introduced her to the gang :D :D Fugless, I know you were trying to help your boy get a piece of tail, but you really should know better ;) :p

Looks like you guys had a blast otherwise, I kept laughing at the pictures I was being sent all weekend and grouchily proclaiming my jealousy ;)

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BTW, we may dress in drag this year when you arrive at the airport... just for a change of pace ;)



zavaral said:
Well BRANDY (just for you Doug) had some really bad ass pics but we lost the digital somewhere in a three mile range or so. No luck in the truck and were pissed about it. There were a lot of shenangans this trip and for yall just to know my E brake works. Well glad yall made it home safely as we did. And Doug if you bring misses I think I'm prettier then I really am, Little Miss Jerry Springer, what ever else you wanna call her were all and I speak for everyone that went....were gonna kick your ass. :D :D

:D If I ever let that girl get with in 10 ft of me I'll give you all a call so you can all beat my ass. Tell Brandy that if Lil' Miss Jerry Springer shows up I'll give her a case of Bud Light to make her dissapear

Spas said:
BTW, we may dress in drag this year when you arrive at the airport... just for a change of pace ;)



You have issues.

Damn i wish i coulda made this trip. :(

This trip was a blast.


The cutouts, It was fun to watch my Son wheel for his first time ever. To dark to get really good pictures, but he had fun.

The pier...Drive around or drive through it...

The people burying a body? Not sure what they were doing and didn't want to get to close.

The campsite....Nice place, no mesquitos. The Pump Jack was to loud though.

Doug's Prerunner show. Watching the lights bounce all over was neat. I'm sure he only one wheel on the ground a couple of times. Plus the 15 foot jump by the campfire.

The Tree... Dylan is still frustrated he got stuck on a tree. It's part of wheeling. I'm just glad we had the Explorers there to pull him off.

The people....Little Miss K, What can I say. I spoke with her for about 3 minutes at the campfire, that was enough.

Sabine PAss - The mess from Hurricane KAtrina, That place is still really messed up. It was like driving through after a Tornado. People still living in tents.

Ready to wheel again.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. That's one type of fourwheeling I have yet to try out :D I just hope you blast all that salt off your chassis:D

I spent $5.00 at the carwash on the way home spraying the underside off to get all of the sand and salt out and off of everything. As the only stocker to go on this trip, it was still a lot of fun. It was just as much to watch Doug break stuff as it was to drive the beach. A good trip with a cool bunch of folks (with the exception of the often mentioned "Miss K", poor Doug).

KaiserM715 said:
(with the exception of the often mentioned "Miss K", poor Doug).
Doug I will send you the cleaning bill of what it costs to get rid of the fishy smell off my seats. :fire:

Awsome pics. Sad I missed it, but I had a good weekend anyhow. Ended up with a new/slightly used Explorer in my driveway, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. So when's the next run, minus mrs. K...?

Love your avatar John :D

I see a wheel bearing re0-pack party in your future!

Nothing kills axleshafts and wheel bearings like salt water!

Assesment w/pics

Well I found my missing disc so here are the missing photos I was supposed to post:









early 1900's concrete battle ship


We drove by beachfront from just after the ferry landing/Ft Travis, to the first night of camping just west of the Lost Hwy 87









How Doug wakes his buddies up after a drunk'n stooper the next morning.

Everyone getting on an old piece of the highway 87



Everyone flexing on what used to be a roadside building




Doug finding his Baja carnage from the night before


John and I working the pole together







Doug (Doug), Jeff (SVO), Rob (GoFast), Dillon, John (up top)(Johnstone)




Doug didn't see this one coming LMAO!

Here's John the Klingon, he rode the 20 miles like this.

Ride'm Coyboy

One of two bouy anchors that were washed ashore, the other was way bigger








Navajo Sun rise (Thanx Johnstone)

We weren't able to get to the Fort Travis the first night as we were late, but we did make it back on our way out







In order to deviate from paying $15 to park, we got some icecream from Joe's

Lori (Stang Girl), Brandy (Baby Girl), Jason (Zavaral), John (Johnstone)





Although I suggested the idea for this trip and put together the maps and such, I really want to thank everyone who came out to participate in the festivities and express thier enthusiasm about this trip, you truley are the one who made it worth it.

Including the ones who called me on the phone and were not able to make it.
This was an awsome trip, it was great to come back to places I have been and seen the changes that have occured over the years.

It was also a pleasure as always to meet new forum members and see others that I haven't seen in a while.

Doug/Danny I'm glad you made it home safely, with T-case problems, and despite having to leave early cause of drama caused by Ms. K.
It was great you could attend will do it again before you get shipped out.
Dispite someone who could say the "F" word more times in five min than most of us say in a life time, it was still fantasic.

To watch Rob's son go wheeling for the first time and see that smile on his face was priceless, THANX DILLON!

We had more food than you could shake a stick at, from sandwhiches, deer meat/sasage, sasages, T-bone steak, baked potatoes, chips, beer, coffee, hot coco, soda pop, and whatever else you could think of.
To camp out is always the best, the entertainment as always was top notch!

To Mr. Brooks at Ft. Travis, thank you for taking the time to give us some great history, and for your hard work and trying to make a great place even better.

And thanks to the people of the Elissa for keeping more 18th century history alive.

And thank you Rick for the Explorerforum!

To you all, thanx for making this weekend a great one for us!

Jeff - :navajo:

Had a blast...even though I thought more shenanigan's would have gone on (probably kept down thanx to ms. drama queen) it was fun to know that we got Doug with the silly string. Always good to be on the offensive and not the defensive. (Note to Self: Next time, pack my handcuffs for any misc. people who show up and act stupid, and aren't part of the group) Doug, I still say you should've just strapped her to the roof on the way home. With all the beer and that other Korean stuff she was drinking, she would've stayed warm.

Anyway, very interesting to see how the layout of the highway had changed so much from the pictures. Jeff and I were talking about going back next year, but as much as it is changing, don't know if we can make it through the part around the natural gas pipeline (had to go through the water to go around because of fencing on the land). It may be too deep next run. It was sad to see so much trash, but with the hurricane, you have to expect it.

Gots lots of stares on the way down (thanks to Nasty Hoe's death wobble) on I-45 :eek: and just driving all around. Nothing like seeing 6 trucks driving down the road together. Great new friendships forged and great to see Johnstone. I almost thought he had moved in with us. ;) And yes John, your truck is sexy. :p

My favorite part? Learning how to drive a lifted truck, with death wobble, on a beach with hills, pieces of asphalt, and Doug driving next me. :eek: And the second favorite? Seeing Dylan's smile. OMG, Rob, you have a totally awesome kid and we all talked about how great he was on this trip. And that smile after he was driving...that made everything else worth it. :D

Can't wait until the next run. Thanks everyone for a great weekend!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Doug also has some pics of me and my little blue flamethrower :eek:, I know he sent pics to Spas and Ben.

I also know he sent some more to them, via his phone lol!

I watched about half the video lastnight, but fell alsleep, I'll try and watch the rest tonight, and start making note of what to rip and what to trash, Zavaral says he's ready to try out his new video capturing stuff, so we'll try and get that all put together.

I would also like copy of all the pics you all took so I can encorperate them into the vid.

Yall just send the pics to me directly through IM whatever. So we wont kill Jeff computer and his *coughs* DIAL-UP. Ill get anybody who wants copys copys. Im thinking about throwing the new video on dvd format so yall can watch it on you comfortable living quarter couchs. But if you want just a standard cd with it let me know. Ill see if i can get the video that Jeff took tomarrow so i can watch it and start the ripping and all that good stuff.


as far as this weekend goes and it being my first wheeling trip there is nothing that I would change...I went with a great group of people and would love to go again sometime soon....hopefully more can make it the next time....I wouldnt have changed anything that happend.....

the group burying a body?!?...lol..

me constantly reaching for the oh **** handle on the dash as my blazer has and finding nothing there....

the sexy truck talk over the cb...

i just wish i wouldnt have lost my camera next time ill try the velcro as suggested by Jeff and Lori...

I thank you all for letting me come along and I really hope to be along on the next run maybe i'll have "The Pink Taco" by then....

thank you guys once again for a great weekend....


Why does that ST look like it has a rod shoved up it's arse?

LOL :p

If I lived closer......way closer, I would've gone...cool pics and I loove to ply in sand.


oh yeah and I cant forget my favorite part when i was being contracted out for a case of bud light...any time you need me im there.....lol..have the case ready...

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AWESOME pictures, guys! The lighting must've been really kind to y'all... either that or somebody's got a pretty sweet camera ;)

As for the pic of how Fug wakes up his hungover buddies... consider yourselves lucky- last time we camped together I woke up to find every movable piece of furniture, food and excess tidbits in the campsite piled atop my tent while a rather large white Explorer sat idling into the entrance flap :eek:
