thermostat housing bolt snapped in lower intake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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thermostat housing bolt snapped in lower intake


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Green Brook, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
5.0 Exploder
hi, i was changing my thermostat and while tightening the bolts the head on one of them snapped...i took the housing back apart and now i'm stuck with this...


i've tried heating it up with a propane torch and using vice grips to clamp on it but they just slip right off, and there's not enough room to get a drill or anything like that in there, does anybody have any idea how i can get this stupid bolt out??

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It has happened to alot of people.. What you wanna do is get a dremel tool or similar and cut a slot in the bolt so a slotted screwdriver back off the threads.. Once you get it out just go to the local parts store and get a replacement bolt.. It should be available in the Help aisle

thanks ill be giving that a try

If you have access to a welder you can weld a nut to whats left of the bolt, and the just turn it out with a socket, ive done that many times. It works great for seized bolts as well.

If you have access to a welder you can weld a nut to whats left of the bolt, and the just turn it out with a socket, ive done that many times. It works great for seized bolts as well.

My neighbor tried that on his Blazer. Couldn't get it loose, couldn't even turn it.

So I go over, and said "well of course you can't turn it, you also welded the nut to the thermostat housing, you dumbass..."
