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Ticking injector.

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I know this may sound like a dumb question,but whats the fastest and most effective way to bleed the brakes??

You have to open a bleeder screw, and step on the brake pedal, then close the bleeder screw before the pedal goes up again. Start with the wheel which is furthest away from the master cylinder. They sell one man brake bleeder kits if you don't have anybody to help you.

Cool ill try it this weekend cause my brakes are kinda low.And loosing lots of fluid too.Thanks Brooklyn Bay for all the good advice i appreciate it

Also going back to my radiator i just noticed its a small pin hole right next to the upper hose.A new one isnt in my budget right now is there a way i can fix it temporaly with something???

Hi everyone just a quick question.My 91 has a manual m5od manual tranny,its beginning to hum in all gears.Should i replace it with a salvage one?If so how do i check to see i get a good used transmission.Thanks for all the help

Hey everyone left town for a while but my 91 ex is now running very sluggish i loaned it to my dad and i guess forgot to fill it up with enough gas cause it ran out a few times.Now i try to get on the highway and it starts to spudder and tries to stall.Put in a spectre filter and cleaned maf sensor is their anything i can do to bring it back to life

Hi every one just a quick question where can i find a good m5od tranny

hi everyone just wanted to let you know we recently bought a 98 explorer xlt 5.0 awd it has 108,063 miles any isuues with this particular model??
