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Tie Rod Problem


Active Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
02, Explorer 4.6L 4x4
I'm trying to identify a problem that is getting worse and I'm not sure where it's coming from.

I feel a slight "hitch" with a very small amount of "play" in the steering at the very beginning of turning the steering wheel left or right.

Something underneath the vehicle seems to be sliding back and forth what seems to be an inch or 2 as i can feel/hear a slight "shift" when the explorer weight shifts.

This happens alot when turning and accelerating and the vehicle torques and also happens when slowly driving up and backing down my driveway which has a steep back to it.

just had front controls arms with ball joints replaced

it drives straight, doesn't pull to either side.

power steering fluid levels is fine, not leaking

2002 ford explorer 4.6l eddie bauer 4wd

Could this be a stabilizer bar or tie-rod?

thanks for any thoughts

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I'd take a good look at the sway bar system.

I feel a slight "hitch" with a very small amount of "play" in the steering at the very beginning of turning the steering wheel left or right.

just had front controls arms with ball joints replaced.
If the steering wheel shudders and was turned with the engine off, and wheels off the ground, it's air in the power steering system. Speed up purging by driving slowly turning to maximum steering lock left to right repeatedly. Also, checking the commonly failed OEM end links is a good idea.


I'd take a good look at the sway bar system.

that seems to have been the problem....the end link was loose but i replaced it anyway and everything seems to be working fine now

thanks for your help
