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Time to replace factory shocks


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September 15, 2008
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'02 XLT 4.6L, time for new struts. Anyone had good experience? Stock ride height, Im not opposed to swapping coils to new struts. I was thinking about Rancho RS5000's. I have an 18' Bayliner I pull and I would like some extra "support" in the back, and decent ride and good handling in the front. Thoughts????

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You will want to purchase a strut/spring assembly. It is already assembled which makes it easier to install.

Currently I have Monroe Quick Struts and I highly recommend them.

Im very interested to hear opinions on the availible options out there especially for towing. How tough a job is this in the rust belt?

Worst thing is a seized shock to lower arm bolt. They can be cut out though. If you want to level/lift, Rancho has Quick Lifts, plus a good rebate offer until August I believe, which should apply to sets of RS5000s as well.
Partial tool list: 13mm ratcheting combo wrench, 24mm impact socket, long breaker bar, Pittman arm puller, 18mm deep well or combo wrench, etc.
With air, it can be done in a few hours, assuming no seized parts. Allow a couple more hours if compressing old springs. Check your spring codes, to see what you have now, if you're curious.

Where do we find spring codes?

Door jamb sticker. I can look them up for you if you need. For example my '05 reads EEBB, which IIRC is standard suspension. Edit: what I have so far is B (or E on Mercury) for standard, C for rough road, and F for handling.

Both my rear springs were broken & my front struts were leaking when I bought my Ex in Feb 2010.

Now I'm running the StrutTEK's on all four corners and have nothing but good things to say about them! The ride is awesome and the price is right. I can't compare them to the original struts since they were FUBAR when I bought my Ex.

The rears were installed on 11/29/2010 & the fronts were installed on 2/20/2012.

I love them. The ride is still great.

Click here to find out more about the StrutTEK Struts.



Here are some threads for you to check out:


Good luck. :biggthump

Please keep us posted as feedback helps others reading this post looking for a fix to the same or similar issue!

BigRondo, I just read one of these posts that says the Struttek lifted the Explorer. Is that what typical experience is? I do not want to lift mine but was about to order a set of Strutteks (rears are back order right now BTW) and the write up about lifting made me stop. Please others that installed Strutteks chime in as well on whether they settled. Thanks
