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Timeline 2013 Explorer Sport

I ordered mine at the dealership the 3rd or 4th week of May. Sorry i cant remember the exact date but i guess i could look it up. The dealership may not have been able to submit the order until June.

But the options and packages weren't announced until the first week of June (7th I believe). How would your dealer have taken an order without even knowing what options would be avail?

And then there's the issue of this other thread you started where you said you ordered on June 25 http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362352

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Hello everyone; I'm brand new to the forum.

Any idea how long the wait is to take delivery at this point if I placed an order today?


A quick check to your order and I see it’s waiting to be scheduled. :)

Awesome Cory!! Thanks so much for the update!! I know we all appreciate you checking on our orders & keeping us informed. I am so tired of playing the merry go round of borrowing vehicles. Have a great day!


Well, my Sport is now apparently in the railroad stockyards awaiting delivery to the dealer. Should have mine in a few days and am looking forward to seeing it. Ingot Silver fully equipped except the middle row buckets.

But the options and packages weren't announced until the first week of June (7th I believe). How would your dealer have taken an order without even knowing what options would be avail?

And then there's the issue of this other thread you started where you said you ordered on June 25 http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362352

Your right, I'm wrong. Ooooo please forgive me for such terrible thing i've done.

There, you feel better now? Like i'm deliberately lying about this.

Honest mistake, i was confused. I've been working on this crap for soo long its all a mess in my head.

For what it's worth, here's a timeline from my dealings with my dealer. I'm sure this will make you sleep better at night. No, you will probably want to call my dealer to confirm but here goes:

3-3 Visit dealer to inquire about a sport model being built. Dealer knows nothing about it but will look into it. Test drive a limited.
4-10 Receive call from dealer, says Sport is a go, may have pricing and packages in a month or two.
5-24 I was notified codes and pricing coming
5-30 Second heads up on codes and pricing
6-6 Received first pricing and packages, I informed dealer of what i wanted.
6-25 After waiting on dealer, for may reasons, they finally submit my order.
10-3 Cory sends me IM with vin#

There, get over it now. It just a damn car order.

...How would your dealer have taken an order without even knowing what options would be avail?...
...Honest mistake, i was confused...
13Sport & Mikie1,

I’m glad we got this straightened out, guys. LOL Both of your orders are on track!

Hello everyone; I'm brand new to the forum.

Any idea how long the wait is to take delivery at this point if I placed an order today?
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your order, joevette! I can find out more info for you. You won’t have a VIN yet, so all I need is a PM with your order number + dealer name/state. :)

Awesome Cory!! Thanks so much for the update!! I know we all appreciate you checking on our orders & keeping us informed...
You got it, Rebekah; I knew you’d like the good news. :thumbsup:

Well, my Sport is now apparently in the railroad stockyards awaiting delivery to the dealer. Should have mine in a few days and am looking forward to seeing it. Ingot Silver fully equipped except the middle row buckets.

Welcome newcomer! Shoot me a PM with the info I mentioned above and I’ll keep you in the loop with the latest status. :D


There, get over it now. It just a damn car order.

LOL.. I was just messin' with you. I was waiting for you to have that "Doh!" moment, sorry I struck a cord, no malice intended.

Well, my Sport is now apparently in the railroad stockyards awaiting delivery to the dealer. Should have mine in a few days and am looking forward to seeing it. Ingot Silver fully equipped except the middle row buckets.

I can't wait for pics, I'm waiting on Ingot myself, it's the only color I haven't seem any live Pictures of so far, so I'm super excited someone is finally getting one in person!

I am so tired of playing the merry go round of borrowing vehicles

Would you like to borrow my rental Yaris? You'll love it! I promise! I wish I could put it on a merry go round and spin it till it disappears :)

Would you like to borrow my rental Yaris? You'll love it! I promise! I wish I could put it on a merry go round and spin it till it disappears :)

Lol!!! I just might be going to rent my own Yaris. Yesterday I was in a F-150 w/no air & today I am in a bright red F-350 dually with a camper top full
of work equipment. I am in sales & when I get out of these random work trucks I definitely get some looks. The wait is killing me. At least I know I am not alone in my waiting.

New to boards

Hello guys...
Just wanted to say hello. I have been watching for a few weeks since I ordered my Sport (tuxedo black). I feel like 2 weeks has been forever until I read some of you ordered in June. I called my local dealer in July to order and was told ordering is not happening yet. Now I feel like smacking someone at the dealer. Oh well..

I hope everyone starts getting their babies soon!!

And so you guys see they are coming.. I found one on ebay today..


I can't wait for pics, I'm waiting on Ingot myself, it's the only color I haven't seem any live Pictures of so far, so I'm super excited someone is finally getting one in person!

Once it's in, I'll go over with a decent camera and get some shots. Knowing it's coming is like having pins and needles! I'd like to to have it before this weekend, but chances are getting slim. I keep driving by the dealer to see if I can catch it coming onsite!

Any idea of how much turnaround time it takes to do the prep?

Thanks Cory for the great news!!!!!

Made my day and week!!!

Cherie Putman

LOL.. I was just messin' with you...
I’m glad there were no hard feelings, 13Sport; we’re a friendly community here! LOL

...The wait is killing me. At least I know I am not alone in my waiting.

Do we need a “waiting support group”? ;) LOL JK I’m keeping an eye on your order for any updates. :)

...I have been watching for a few weeks since I ordered my Sport (tuxedo black)...
Welcome to the forum, JarHead1833; congratulations on your order! I see you’ve already dropped me a line with your order info. I’ll shoot you a reply early next week. :thumbsup:

Once it's in, I'll go over with a decent camera and get some shots...

I’m really looking forward to those pictures. :D

Thanks Cory for the great news!!!!!

Made my day and week!!!
You got it, Cherie!


Felt the need to say Hi...

We ordered our Sport a couple of months ago. Have been waiting in the blind due to incompetent salesman. I finally got a vin and order number today which surprised me. Whoever gets theres in first, please post some pics. We ordered ours in black. Pretty much base model with bucket seats added in 2nd row.


We ordered our Sport a couple of months ago. Have been waiting in the blind due to incompetent salesman. I finally got a vin and order number today which surprised me. Whoever gets theres in first, please post some pics. We ordered ours in black. Pretty much base model with bucket seats added in 2nd row.


ZackCrazy got his earlier this week, he posted some pictures up. There was minor damage in transport, and the hood lettering was off centered, a few have shown up on ebay and at dealerships, they seem to be ok.

Here's the thread with delivery and pictures

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Test Drove and Placed an Order

Hello guys...
Just wanted to say hello. I have been watching for a few weeks since I ordered my Sport (tuxedo black). I feel like 2 weeks has been forever until I read some of you ordered in June. I called my local dealer in July to order and was told ordering is not happening yet. Now I feel like smacking someone at the dealer. Oh well..

I hope everyone starts getting their babies soon!!

And so you guys see they are coming.. I found one on ebay today..



Thanks for posting this yesterday. This dealership is only about a half hour away from me so I test drove it after work and placed an order. RubyRed. Salesman said hell get me a VIN by end of next week, then 5-6 weeks for delivery.
