timing chain & NEW ENGINE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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timing chain & NEW ENGINE


New Member
April 27, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 explorer
Hello...yes im new here any ways i have a 2001 explorer with timing chain noise (4l sohc)
so here is my question.what engine should i buy (or should i just fix it)
i would stay with the same kind of engine so it would be more of a swap
some one said that a newer engine from a stang would fit it with out any problems? the engine only has 120 000 km on it
what would be the cost if a dealer would do the time chain repairs (aprox)
would it be cheaper to get a new engine?
any links or info or thoughs? would be great
oh by the way im not a engine diy kind of guy

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Hello...yes im new here any ways i have a 2001 explorer with timing chain noise (4l sohc)
so here is my question.what engine should i buy (or should i just fix it)
i would stay with the same kind of engine so it would be more of a swap
some one said that a newer engine from a stang would fit it with out any problems? the engine only has 120 000 km on it
what would be the cost if a dealer would do the time chain repairs (aprox)
would it be cheaper to get a new engine?
any links or info or thoughs? would be great
oh by the way im not a engine diy kind of guy

Welcome to the forum! First off, are you sure it is the timing chain noise and have you ever had the TSBs done on your truck? I know ford issued a TSB on this issue and I believe if the vehicle is under 7 years old and has less than 100,000 miles, the job can be done for free...unfortunately, most people at this stage of the game don't fall into that rule.
Either way, the price to do the job is pricey- especially if it is the rear cassette as the engine needs to be extracted to do that one. When I asked to have the front and rear done, I was quoted at 3200 smackers, a rebuilt Jasper engine won't cost that much. If it were me, I'd probably go with a rebuilt at this stage.
As for the 5.0L, you would need to swap trannies, transfer cases, wiring harnesses....ugh, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. :confused:
Let us know what happens and good luck! :salute:

I would think he was asking about a 4.0 stang engine not a 5.0

Besides, the 5.0 went away a while ago and he is talking about putting in a newer engine from a stang. just my .02

I would think he was asking about a 4.0 stang engine not a 5.0

Besides, the 5.0 went away a while ago and he is talking about putting in a newer engine from a stang. just my .02
DOH! :banghead:
me thinks he's right...
I would assume a newer stang 4.0 would work...I don't think they've really changed anything about the SOHC.

ya I was hoping that a new engine from a stang(or new engine) would have all the fixs
I dont want to change the engine to a 5l/v8
