Tips for Gas Mileage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tips for Gas Mileage

Iowa Hick

Well-Known Member
March 4, 2003
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Bloomfield, IA
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1995 Eddie Bauer
I know Al has had a few threads about this, and I was going to just bump one of them up until I saw how long they are. Basically what kind of things can we do to get better mileage out of our trucks as far as modifications and driving style?

If your suggestion is a modification, try to list the approximate cost and the approximate mpg benefit, thanks.

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In a Nutshell, you want better MPG?do not drive an EX:)

spindlecone said:
In a Nutshell, you want better MPG?do not drive an EX:)

True, but there are many ways to "optimize" what we already have.

I believe alot of the MPG program is in your driving style and how one calculates MPG (is alot of room for error)
I get 16/22, happy to get that, but in reality, figure what you will save money wise over the course of a year by getting say two more MPG, it turns out to be peanuts

I go strictly by the MPG that is calculated by the computer in my console. Don't know how accurate it is, but according to it I usually get 18 to 20 for mixed city/highway driving, 16 or less for mostly city, and around 22 for mostly interstate. The best I have ever done is 25 for interstate.

Jake Howk said:
I go strictly by the MPG that is calculated by the computer in my console. Don't know how accurate it is, but according to it I usually get 18 to 20 for mixed city/highway driving, 16 or less for mostly city, and around 22 for mostly interstate. The best I have ever done is 25 for interstate.
Thats steller, you may have the second best numbers on the site.
Al Claims 30+ He's the only site member to ever do so at highway speed.
Just do not see how that is possible,but you never know ;)

Much of it is HOW you drive.
Treat the gas pedal like an egg.

spindlecone said:
Thats steller, you may have the second best numbers on the site.
Al Claims 30+ He's the only site member to ever do so at highway speed.
Just do not see how that is possible,but you never know ;)

As I said, that is going by the console, which I am just a little skeptical of. I also have a V6 and I think most people on here have V8's.

MONMIX said:
Much of it is HOW you drive.
Treat the gas pedal like an egg.
Never drive without chicken fruit :D


  • Mvc-016s.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 838

ypu just took that photo five mineuts ago didnt you ?

what is chicken fruit any way ?

so much for tips.

MONMIX said:
ypu just took that photo five mineuts ago didnt you ?

what is chicken fruit any way ?
Yep, is a joke Monmix
The fruit of a chicken is an EGG, and yes I took the pic five minutes ago :D

I have those SAME shoes :eek:

Premier said:
I have those SAME shoes :eek:
Merrells Rule, in black and grey suede

Mine are brown. :|

LOL! I got them brown, because I always find myself in ****. This way I dont have to clean them off too often :D

Damn you need a new pair of shoes. and i don't mean break shoes.... ;)

Look i'm all for better gas mileage, but some of you need to relax and get over it, you drive a 5000+ pound suv, it will never get good gas mileage, if you want gas mileage go buy a honda, until then stop *****ing. Sorry for the rant, but it seems like all I see on this forum anymore is people complaining about gas mileage, and how much it costs.

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if you want gas mileage go buy a honda, until then stop *****ing.

I'm not complaining about anything, I knew when I bought my explorer that it would like its gasoline. I chose it because thats what I wanted, and I won't let high fuel prices change my mind. But I also want to get as much bang for my buck as I can. If you don't care about the conversation, don't bother reading the thread.

Now back to business. One tip that I haven't heard anyone mention is don't use the breaks anymore than you have to. Breaks transfer kinetic energy into heat energy. Start letting off the gas pedal quite a ways from where you want to stop/turn/etc.
