Tire Pressure? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire Pressure?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I have a 1998 Sport with the 255/70/R16 tires and I am not sure what pressure the tires should be set at. I bought the vehicle with 12k on the odometer and it was about 8mo old, for some reason it did not have the factory Ford sticker on the driver side door molding so I have no way of knowing. If someone here has a sport with an intact sticker I would be grateful to know the factory tire pressure.

I have also read that the front tire pressure could be different from the rear? Currently I am running 32 psi all around.

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32 PSI is a good pressure..

between 30-35 psi

32 is the general best for everything

what does the tire say

35 is a good truck / SUV PSI
I run 45 in my Perellis

It does not say on the tire- just max pressure. I was running 35 psi but it made the ride a bit harsh. I read on a ford site that the front was 32 psi and rear was 29 psi??
