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Tire suggestions?

I thought I had seen the Timberline AT II still available? Tough to find, though. I don't think they're on the Bridgestone website

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I got the impression that the guy that was looking up tires was interesed in selling me something more expensive...

I'm A-OK with the K/O's though... mmmMMMMMmmmm... nice.


looks like a very agressive tread. My guess is you are correct about the noise.


  • kumho-KL71-RoadventureMT.jpg
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I don't know ...they advertise that there is virtually no noise but the tread is too aggressive to be true...

there not too loud i had a friend that had them on 24's. they wore fast.

for at theres few things ive found better then terra graplers despite the look of them.

I think I've decided to go with the ProComp Xtreme A/T's. Problem is no tire guy in my area can get them. The only place that said they could was my local truck shop, but they said they are back ordered for a while. So I'll just order them online. The good news though is my company has offered to pick up the shipping cost :)

4 wheel partsd normally runs procomp specials at holidays. if your not in a hurry i would expect another big sale at christmas or for columbus day.

So anyone heard of the Runways I posted above or got a review of them? They look really nice, and are cheap, just not sure how long they will last or how durable they are.


Anyone heard of Runway tires?


^ I was thinking of getting a set of those. My cousin has a tire shop and he says they've been getting good responses from them and they're cheap ($105 each).

If not those I'm going with Pro-Comp ($150 each).

I would think twice before getting the Procomps (by cooper) theres a big issue with them right now..
Id never deal with 4WPs either

Wow... that is some helpful information right there.

BFG M/T's K/T's, whatever they are called.

Got em on my Mounty.

They ####ing RULE, ive slammed curbs so many times, got me out of nasty sand and mud, they are AWESOME in the rain, REGARDLESS of what people say(they just got ****ty suspension or driving skills)

But seriously, i will never buy anything other than them again.

But i do have some small slices on the tread(like ive said, ive put them over some really ruff/nasty terrain on road and off)
But the tread is so thick, it doesnt matter!

Ive put over 10k on them already, and BARELY notice it at all.
And thats nearly ALL paved road and highway driving....not bad at all.
they are the BEST mud terrain tire for on-road, bottom line.
They are expensive, but worth it.

Although they do suck my gas mileage quite a bit more.....
But you cant win 'em all.

But ive noticed it really doesnt come down to the tire all the time, alot of times it depends on the Truck/SUV, and suspension setup, and driver.

you throw M/T's on a solid axle truck, people complain they wear quickly, suck in the rain......

But you throw M/T's on a Indenpendant Suspension setup(like explorer or mounty), they wear very slowly, and are AWESOME in the rain...

It feels like your riding above the road, not glued to it......feels kinda like its Clawing to the road, pretty cool.

I had trouble sliding outta control on solid ice last winter.
And it was impossible to fish tail or donut at all in snow.

I was blazing 80mph plus threw an snow/rain storm earlier this year.......
I was flyin by people like they were standing still, truck was holding REDICULOUSLY well, couldnt believe it.

Actually saved my truck TWICE......i accidentily steered off the road one night, just after it snowed.
Truck pulled halfway Off the road, but it just HELD control at 55+ no problem, just steered it right back on the road.......i would have TOTALLED my truck and possibly injured myself badly if it werent for those tires!

Another time, some dumbass in front of me slide off the road in 1 foot of snow.
He kicked up so much snow on the road, luckily the BFG M/T's held right thru it!

I'll tell ya right now, if I had my old stock tires on that truck, it'd probably be wrecked twice!!!

They are a nice insurance policy!!

It feels like day and night!!!
Im putting those BFG's on EVERY truck i get......it might suck gas mileage, but they saved my ass TWICE already, thats enough for me!

BFG M/T's K/T's, whatever they are called.

Got em on my Mounty.

They ####ing RULE, ive slammed curbs so many times, got me out of nasty sand and mud, they are AWESOME in the rain, REGARDLESS of what people say(they just got ****ty suspension or driving skills)

But seriously, i will never buy anything other than them again.

But i do have some small slices on the tread(like ive said, ive put them over some really ruff/nasty terrain on road and off)
But the tread is so thick, it doesnt matter!

Ive put over 10k on them already, and BARELY notice it at all.
And thats nearly ALL paved road and highway driving....not bad at all.
they are the BEST mud terrain tire for on-road, bottom line.
They are expensive, but worth it.

Although they do suck my gas mileage quite a bit more.....
But you cant win 'em all.

But ive noticed it really doesnt come down to the tire all the time, alot of times it depends on the Truck/SUV, and suspension setup, and driver.

you throw M/T's on a solid axle truck, people complain they wear quickly, suck in the rain......

But you throw M/T's on a Indenpendant Suspension setup(like explorer or mounty), they wear very slowly, and are AWESOME in the rain...

It feels like your riding above the road, not glued to it......feels kinda like its Clawing to the road, pretty cool.

I had trouble sliding outta control on solid ice last winter.
And it was impossible to fish tail or donut at all in snow.

I was blazing 80mph plus threw an snow/rain storm earlier this year.......
I was flyin by people like they were standing still, truck was holding REDICULOUSLY well, couldnt believe it.

Actually saved my truck TWICE......i accidentily steered off the road one night, just after it snowed.
Truck pulled halfway Off the road, but it just HELD control at 55+ no problem, just steered it right back on the road.......i would have TOTALLED my truck and possibly injured myself badly if it werent for those tires!

Another time, some dumbass in front of me slide off the road in 1 foot of snow.
He kicked up so much snow on the road, luckily the BFG M/T's held right thru it!

I'll tell ya right now, if I had my old stock tires on that truck, it'd probably be wrecked twice!!!

They are a nice insurance policy!!

It feels like day and night!!!
Im putting those BFG's on EVERY truck i get......it might suck gas mileage, but they saved my ass TWICE already, thats enough for me!

if you dont mind you think you could put up some pics of your mounty...i've been thinking ab putting some muds on mine too and im curious as to how it will look
