too much tranny fluid? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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too much tranny fluid?


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2003
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2008 XLT Ironman
I just installed a B&M supercooler (in addition to my two factory tranny coolers :) ) and a remote tranny filter from summit this weekend. Realizing that this would increase my tranny fluid volume by at least 1 quart, I added a whole quart of tranny fluid. I am still a bit lower than I'd like to be, but still within tolerance (and yes, I'm measuring it properly).

My question is:

How paranoid should I be about adding more fluid....I bad is it for the tranny if it's overfilled? Isn't that what the boilover/overflow tube on the tranny itself is for?

I guess it wouldn't be too hard to get rid of some fluid if I overfilled it....since I could remove the remote filter and just pour some tranny fluid out of that to bring me back down.

Anyway....comments anybody?



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i think that it may blow seals or something like that... i know that can happen if you put too much oil into an engine.....

Yes... It could also boil over, which is bad, because tranny fluid burns. :eek:

I ran mine for 5 years with about half a quart over where it should be. Why? Because it came out of the Ford Factory like that and I figured they know what they are doing. What it showed on the dip stick at the time should be the right level, I thought. Once a year a would check it and it was always at same place, just above the xxxx part. I was lucky that nothing bad happen to my tranny. So I guess going half a quart more should cause no problem... but then again why risk it.

It's very bad for the tranny to be overfilled. Always keep an eye on it and when checking the fluid make sure to follow the procedure in the manual to make sure you're getting the right reading.
