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Top speed with limiter removed


Active Member
October 14, 1999
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City, State
Gainesville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Sport
What would the top speed be for a '96 4.0L with stock gears if the limiter was removed (chip).

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OHV or SOHC? Also, stock gears can be different. Look on your vin# sticker on the driver's door, find the axle code and look it up in the owner's manual. What size of tires do you have?

I have an OHV with 3.55 gears. I run 31" tires. I have had the needle pointing to the "N". Which, on my '91 I would estimate to be about 105-110 (+ the difference in tire size). I don't have the chip so I'm sure it can go faster than that.

If everybody is different, how can anyone be normal?

91 Explorer XLT
4.0L OHV V6

OHV. I'll have to check on the gear ratio. I have 255/45-18 tires. It cut off at about 105-106mph now, but I know it's got more in it.

JBH I have the jet chip and it did'nt remove the limiter. I can go up to 110 mph and it cuts off and slows to 105 mph and kicks back in, maybe the superchip is different?


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'99 4dr 5.0L 4X2
K&N, modified airbox
Borla exhaust
Jet Chip

Hey JBH- I have a '92 w/ 3.08 gears. I got it up to 117 on the interstate. I have a few mods, but I think the high gears and the chip are the main factors. My friend has a GPS and we used that to figure out how fast we were going. The motor was turning ~4000 rpm. It pretty much leveled off there, it wouldn't climb any higher.

1992 Explorer Sport 2WD A4LD

[This message has been edited by LukeDog3D (edited 04-17-2000).]

I've tagged 115 in my '94... Made me think there wasn't a governer on it... If it is, it doesn't really limit you, because at that speed, she wasn't exactly what I would consider stable. Dead Link Removed Don't think the Firestone P235's are exactly NASCAR material... I also don't reccomend trying this on I-10 just over the California border from AZ like I did... The local CHiPs were less than amused. > Dead Link Removed
