How many miles on your 2ND GEN EX? | Page 57 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many miles on your 2ND GEN EX?

Post number 869 has been selected as best answered.

here is todays mileage. and its higher than 323 when it gets hot out or in direct sun the odo and speedo stop so idk what true mileage is but ill take 323 haha


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400k?! 350 or 351 swap time then! You said so!! lol
no no ill see how far it goes like moana said hbahahahaha and once something takes a dive we shall reevaluate

no no ill see how far it goes like moana said hbahahahaha and once something takes a dive we shall reevaluate
Fair enough, if it works dont fix it lol

no no ill see how far it goes like moana said hbahahahaha and once something takes a dive we shall reevaluate
Don't make be build a 4.0 and send it to ya haha

and it purrs man
haha nost liekly being honest if something dies itll get another sohc this thung tough as nails
yep SOHC rules

one day ill figure it out just gotta work on other stuff first then ill work on yt lol
Your own You Tube channel sounds like a great idea! 2nd gens are under-represented on You Tube - especially since so many of them are still driving around so many years later! And you have the same as me except the color....and mods, LOL. Some of my fellow seniors look forward to learning new tricks for our old Exes!

Your own You Tube channel sounds like a great idea! 2nd gens are under-represented on You Tube - especially since so many of them are still driving around so many years later! And you have the same as me except the color....and mods, LOL. Some of my fellow seniors look forward to learning new tricks for our old Exes!
Exactly! Ain't enough on there! Start recording your mud trips and throw 'em up. Could even try doing repair videos

Exactly! Ain't enough on there! Start recording your mud trips and throw 'em up. Could even try doing repair videos
@Fix4Dirt do some repair videos bro thats what i do lol maybe ya can become famous

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