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Torsion Twist and Rough Ride


Well-Known Member
February 17, 2001
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Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
We installed Air Lift rear air bags on our 96 5.0 2wd limited for towing and like them a lot. At the recommended 10lbs of air unloaded , they raised the rear about 1.5 inches, giving the truck a raked look with the front lower.

I did the torsion twist and got the front level, which raised the front about 1.5", but the ride is awfully rough for us older folks.

The truck has "B" bars, Michelin LTX MS P 235s, & Monroe Reflex shocks. Any suggestions for improving the ride quality? Thanks Mike

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The TT does make the front suspension stiffer, therefore providing the lift. However, much of the fault probably lies with those Monroe shocks. Even though the overall travel of the suspension is the same, the Monroes aren't made to be "centered" at that increased ride height. There are many members who say their Monroes are great at stock height, but not after the TT. My suggestion is to get some softer shocks or maybe ones with 1" increased length.

Also, remember that twisting the bars may keep overall travel the same, you are losing valuable droop. This can make the truck bang and crash over bumps at the extreme because instead of the suspension droping in to a pot hole, the whole truck does.


I believe Bilstein and Edelbrock both make shocks that fit a 2" rise...any others? Remember, I am looking for comfort as much as possible with a 1.5" height increase both front and rear. I would lean towards Bilstein, if I felt they would not contribute to more ride harshness.

Not familiar with the term "droop" but is there a way to retain factory droop with the torsion twist? This is not an off road vehicle, mostly a daily driver and tow vehicle.
Thanks Mike

IMHO, the Bilsteins are the best on and off-road shock available. I put them on everything I own.

Droop is the same as down travel. What happens when you twist your bars is that the truck sits at a different part of its suspension travel. You have the same amount of overall travel, but you have more up travel than down travel. This will contribute to a rough ride. So to answer your question, no there is not a way for you to do a twist AND have a factory ride and downtravel. It is just one of those tradeoffs.


Thanks, Sean, I will look into Bilsteins. A lot of upscale motorhomes use Bilstein's RV shock with success. Seems like Bilstein makes a shock for a modest lift as I have now. Mike

Originally posted by Alec
. . .There are many members who say their Monroes are great at stock height, but not after the TT. My suggestion is to get some softer shocks or . . .

I couldn't be happier with my Monroe Reflex shocks on my TT/Warrior '97 4x4. They are every bit as good as my Edelbrocks ever were.
