Tow Hook Bolt Size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tow Hook Bolt Size


June 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Jackson, WY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 XLT
Hey everyone-

I just got a bull bar and I need to take off the factory tow hooks to install it. Problem is, I can't find what size socket is needed to take off the bolts on the tow hooks. I tried standard and metric. 3/4 inch, 5/8 inch, it seems to be an in between size that is either too big or too small for every socket size I tried...any help would be great. Thanks guys.

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I would guess it's a metric size... did you try 11/16?

I would guess it's a metric size... did you try 11/16?

I think so yeah. I tried so many different sizes. I think 3/4 was the size that fit best but it still had a little wiggle room, just a little. When I went to loosen it up it slipped started rounding the edges of the bolt. I'm starting to think this bolt size is proprietary to Ford lol.

Did you try a 19mm 6 point? 12 point sockets are for the birds, and only useful with square fasteners.

Did you try a 19mm 6 point? 12 point sockets are for the birds, and only useful with square fasteners.

Not sure if I tried a 19mm. I could give it a shot. I just wanted to make sure I had the right socket before I tried so I don't round the bolts any more than I already have.

A 19mm would be slightly tighter than a 3/4. If it's a 6 point it won't round it.

I just changed mine, it's 15MM and if you're buying a socket go for the 6-point.

18mm is a ******* size.

Might be but there are a lot of 18mm's on Fords these days. Lower shock bolts, sway bar link bolts, front spring hanger bolts........

I can't speak to 05's specifically but the 01-03 are 15mm for sure. I took 7 pairs off this week! The 15mm and 18mm are must have tools for a newer Explorer as are 5mm, 5.5mm and 7mm. Hawkrod

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Hawkrod, you ARE correct. I changed rear springs and rear sway bar links the same day I added the tow hooks. Used that 18mm a lot that day ..... but not on the hooks. It is easier, IMO, to get to the bolts if you remove the plastic shield under the radiator. One bolt you can get to from outside but the other is a PITA unless you go from under the truck.

What are you doing with all of those tow hooks, just curious.

Whatever possessed Ford to use 5mm and 5.5mm's I don't know! The 8mm is also very popular but a 5/16 will do that one.

Hawkrod, you ARE correct. I changed rear springs and rear sway bar links the same day I added the tow hooks. Used that 18mm a lot that day ..... but not on the hooks. It is easier, IMO, to get to the bolts if you remove the plastic shield under the radiator. One bolt you can get to from outside but the other is a PITA unless you go from under the truck.

What are you doing with all of those tow hooks, just curious.

Whatever possessed Ford to use 5mm and 5.5mm's I don't know! The 8mm is also very popular but a 5/16 will do that one.
I bought the tow hooks for resale. I get $40 a pair including shipping in the US (they are heavy!). I have owned a vintage auto parts business for more than 25 years but because I have an Explorer I am starting to sell stuff related to it as I find them. On eBay I am tcherry3. I have thousands of feedbacks, been doing this for a LONG time! LOL Hawkrod

PS, you can also Google Hawkrod Ford, I have been on the vintage Ford forums for a long time as well!

Yep, when your interests expand it opens up a whole new "market". The $40 shipped for the tow hooks is quite reasonable. My 01 4x2 parts truck has/had tow hooks and my 02 4x4 didn't/does now. Odd that Ford put them on non-off road trucks and not on 4x4's.

Odd that Ford put them on non-off road trucks and not on 4x4's.
On the 4x2 they may have been added. When I got my 4x4 '05 Trac (new) it did not come with tow hooks because it was a base XLT and not an XLT Premium. (I got a base XLT specifically because I did not want the step bars that came with the Premium package.) Later I got some tow hooks off eBay that I had chrome plated at a cost of $225. :eek: Pulled them off when the lease was up and sold them to Todd Z.

Bottom line is that XLT Premium and Adrenalin Tracs had tow hooks and the XLS and base XLT models did not although I'm not sure how that breaks down between 4x2 and 4x4.

Rehashing an old thread...I'm finally getting around to doing this again. I tried the 15mm but its too small. I am gonna go buy the right socket size but I want to know what size it is before I buy it. 18mm? 19mm? Remember this is an 05. Thanks guys.

IIRC it's an 18mm. Buy one anyway, you'll need it on a Ford!
