Tow hook recommendations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tow hook recommendations


Well-Known Member
December 21, 2011
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City, State
Naples, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer ST XLS
Bottom line is that I need tow hooks. I'm going to be doing some minor off-roading this weekend so I want to have them for when I get stuck. Anyone have recommendations? Preferably something inexpensive that I could buy locally.


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Front i assume? Sport tracs came with hooks as an option. So you could find a set that way, I think they are also the same hooks that f150s and expeditions have, so that should work as well. I don't have a sport trac myself but that is what I've read.

Sweet, thanks. I'm guessing talking to a dealer would be a good start?

Are there any junkyards in your area? You could probably pick them up used pretty cheap. Are the mounting holes on the ft frame to bolt them up?

Dealer would be big money. Junkyard or ebay. I agree, see if there are 2 holes under the frame up front. I think they will be there...

i would search in this order for tow hooks: junkyard, craigslist, ebay. you should be able to get a good pair for 30 bucks.


Also, Jerry (I think) has a thread about using S10 tow hooks and they mount up easy. They're not as beefy, but if you get in a pinch, you should be able to grab those at a junkyard pretty cheap to get you through the weekend.

Junk yards! Even if it's just to kill time, you'll find them there.

Thanks guys, Im gonna head to my local junkyard either tomorrow or Wednesday, in the meantime I'm gonna look on craigslist and bug my friend for his. I didn't realize that f150 hooks would work =P

BTW those of you asking, there are two holes under there. It doesn't seem like the instllation will take much :)

The tow hooks from the F-150's, Expedition's, Excursions, Sport Trac's are all the same. The mounting plates are stamp welded to the frame rails and aren't very strong as Lono and I found out the hard way. The hooks are strong, the stamp welds suck.

I found out that S-10 tow hooks bolt right up to the mounting holes on the Sport Trac's. S-10 tow hooks are perfect for Sport Trac's with body lifts so you don't have to knotch out a section of the bumper cover. I did do a thread on this a while back.

first thing i do once i get decent at welding is reinforce my tow hook stamp welds! if you ever end up using your hooks, do not get pulled at an angle, or loop one tow strap around both hooks. the welds will break. from where i got stuck and had to get pulled, the only angle we had at getting me at was almost perpendicular and needless to say, i lost a to hook!

Lono, this is one of my first projects on my to do list with the welder I just bought.
