Tow hook help? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tow hook help?

March 28, 2014
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City, State
Central NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer
I just bought some tow hooks for my 96 explorer sport. I was wondering where i could mount them from the rear. Thank you!

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Depends on your type of tow hook. It has to be attached to a frame rail, not your bumper or suspension.
The best ones I've found for the rear are trailer hitches or you can find a factory tow hook at a scrap yard.



Some second gen sports came with factory rear tow hooks as pictured above. You could always get those and they'll bolt right in.

My last explorer sport I installed some factory gm 3/4 hook to the front. I did a little fab work but they hung down low enough to make a hole in the front bumper for easy access.

Thats the tow hook i got.

