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traney swap


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
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City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
would it be a big deal to swap from auto to manual? i might be able to get a hold of one and the auto is easy to burn up.

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Well it won't be the easiest thing, having to set up the clutch/pedal/cutting hole for shifter/etc. Look up Kris Guilbeaux (sp?), he has done the swap and posted info about it I believe. Definitely not something for a beginner. Good luck :)

I did it on my '89 Ranger and it took about 14 hours to install it doing most of it myself. But the clutch hole was already in the fire wall, it was just plugged. The shifter hole in the floor was just a panel that bolts to the floor. You'll have to replace the brake pedal because the one on a standard is smaller. The flywheel just bolts on. The wiring harness to the tranny just plugged in. I also replaced the computer. But it was easy for me cause I had a parts truck that I took the standard out of so I knew how it was supposed to go together. Good luck.

Maybe it's not so hard after all. :)

Dirty Dog - Do you think there is just a panel over a hole for a shifter for manual t-case as well? Hopefully so, then I can swap out that elect. POS sooner :D

There may be. I had a manual t-case and after I did the swap I had a manual t-case and tranny. The panel was held in with 4 bolts if I'm not mistaken. Just go under your X and feel the bottom of the floor board above the tranny, right where the shifter would go through. That's about your best bet cause the only other way is to pull the carpet back and check.

Good luck

I'll definitely check tomorrow. Hopefully there's a panel. My dad thinks that you have to cut a hole in the floor, which is the reason he is currently not allowing me to attempt this. If there's a panel, he'd start helping me look for a t-case :D. Thanks again DirtyDog

Hey no problem. I just checked on my '99 and it has the panel there so you can be pretty certain yours will have it.
