Tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
January 12, 2003
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City, State
Jamesburg, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Durango SLT
Well it has gotten real cold out lately and I am noticing a big problem with my truck. This is what feels like the tranny slippin when i first start the truck up after a little time of it not being used. When the truck gets goin it is good. Sometimes however if i do stop to say talk to someone real quick say about a minute i notice when I let my foot off the brake it starts rollin back slowly and requires me to give it some gas...its an automatic so that sure as heck ain't normal. This has only happened to my twice in the past prolly 2 to 3 weeks tops. Any idea besides the tranny slippin if you think its the tranny...replacement of the tranny got any clue on hours for a mechanic and price on a tranny....ima also try and look up some performance trannies cause I might as well get better if i can since something would have to be put in anyway.....oh and what is the stock tranny and what is a recommended tranny..... '92 X 4WD oh and btw for a tranny i would be leaning more towards speed than off my guess is tranny recomendation would change cause of that...

Doesn't sound like much of a problem

This doesn't sound serious. Could just be low fluid. How is it going in reverse? Often shows up as delayed engagement. In this transmision there is a problem with the low/reverse servo O ring seal that leaks. In an old transmission the fluid pressures are a little low anyway and this band, used in low and reverse, takes a lot of pressure. This is easy and cheap to replace. Only 4 more bolts after dropping the pan, as easy as changing the filter.
