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Trans Cooler

If you can figure out a way to accurately moniter the pressure I would be very interested in it, would be nice to see if fluid is leaking out before it's spraying all over my exhaust like yesturday.

I think i now have a plan. I think I will begin with something like what glacier did in this thread...

then adapt the guage to something like this...

Then mount it in my console with the temp guage.

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  • mid-Transmission-gauges.JPG
    47.3 KB · Views: 171

Thanks Maniak, I like the pressure guage you posted better. I already have a new in box B&M temp guage that I snagged off ebay enroute to me.

You want a pressure differential gauge. I've seen them, but not for automotive use. I've only seen them used in industrial use.. normally to check if a water filter is getting plugged.

Here is one.. but it ain't cheap.. AND its made for clean liquid, not oil. (this is a mechanical one)


Pardon my ignorance, but what is the need/purpose of a pressure gauge?

Glacier did it so you could tell if a part or certain gear was failing in the transmission, kind of a premature warning if something were failing like the pump. I would like to have some way of knowing if fluid has started to leak before it ends up all over my vehicle and the highway. I guess though it'll be costly and difficult to rig some way of knowing if I'm loosing oil/antifreeze/trans fluid and it probably wouldn't be much benefit to have a 3 second notice.

In my case, I run a 700r4 transmission. It uses a TV cable to boost the pressure when you give it more throttle. If the TV cable system breaks the line pressure won't increase and the transmission will die quickly. With the pressure gauge I know my line pressure and will see if the pressures don't increase.

I believe chriswells78 wants it so he will know if the external filter is getting plugged.. If it is, the pressure difference will show it.


I believe chriswells78 wants it so he will know if the external filter is getting plugged.. If it is, the pressure difference will show it.


Thanks for the reply, Mark.

I also run an external filter and after each change I dissect the old filter to see what it "captured"; to date I have never seen any particulate matter in the filter.

I noticed the same thing.. I change the external trans filter every oil change.. I have yet to see much in there. I did notice that since I added the external filter that I see less crap on bottom of the pan.

