Transfer case chain | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer case chain


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2004
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City, State
Bismarck ND
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer SportTrac
Hi I used transfer case white stick 4405-05-000-015 to order at case chain then I saw the metal tag with numbers 02602 1354-29. I may have screwed up.. are the chains the same for both??

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Oops sorry Its on a 2001 explorer sportrac

So you are asking if the 4405 and 1354 use the same chain?

I have no idea!! Maybe somebody else will know


So you are asking if the 4405 and 1354 use the same chain?

I have no idea!! Maybe somebody else will know

Ok thanks. I know it is a not much info to go on. I watch quite a few vids with borh units. And attempted compare the internals and not much in chain lengths except for the guys comparing the old stretched chains to the new.

Ok thanks. I know it is a not much info to go on. I watch quite a few vids with borh units. And attempted compare the internals and not much in chain lengths except for the guys comparing the old stretched chains to the new.
I have learned it will not fit .... bad words now ....I will relearn The Captain Obvious soon!!!
