Transfer Case Engaging on Acceleration | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer Case Engaging on Acceleration


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Boston Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Eddie bauer
This has been getting noticably worse over the past two years and I cant ignore it any more. Whenever I push past 1/4 throtle my 97 4.0 soch explorer it bumps (almost like a light bucking), you can hear the transfer case shifting in and out. I feel it must be a malfuntion with the auto 4wd system or it is in desperate need of calibration.
Any one really know about this im not looking for speculation. If I wanted that I would pay the $85 per hour at the dealership.

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How many miles?
If its anything close to 100K, the t-case is about done anyway.
Dont waste any money on the control track unit. Get yourself a 1354 and be happy. Best $300 I ever spent on the truck. Truly a bolt in job, with the exception of the shifter linkage (I got a manual shift case).

yeah I have 117K on the odometer
Whats a 1354?

I See. No I will prob replace it with the factory transfer case


I've noticed since doing the brown wire mod that upon heavy accel. mine does engage, prob solved tho I just shut the switch off. ;)

I know but I plan on keepin my ex another 4-5 years and I want everything working (factory)
and there are other problems that the brown wire mod wont fix like when at slow speeds I turn hard I get the bump bump bump like 4wd is engaged when I know its not. Im just going to fix it right,
I have a new motor, new transmition, wheels, shocks, ball joints, steering rack. to name a few so why stop there.


The speed sensors may need to be cleaned. Otherwise, the GEM may just need to be reflashed. There may have been a recall way back when these first came out to fix harsh engagement of the auto 4x4.
