Transfer case help need ASAP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer case help need ASAP


July 12, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
I have a 97 XLT with control trac. My transfer case BW 4405 is making grinding noises (like a manual tranny when you miss a gear). Can I unplug it and drive the truck until I get a chance to rebuild it? Basically shut it off and drive in 2wd all the time?

Ay help is appreciated.

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The 4405 TC is in constant rotation so far as the chain drive from the final driveline is concerned but is controlled by a electromagnetic clutch from the GEM control as to the amount of power that is transfered to the front axle. I recommend you pull the TC as it is a real problem child and access its damage.
There is a good article in the sticky above from Glacier 911 about its short coming from the shift fork failure and ramp clutch cam. Do you have an MIL indicator from the OD indicator dash light. You need a advanced code reader to pull codes from the GEM CPU. Check the fluid in the TC for a filings count. They my not be magnetic as case is magnesium. Just use a flashlight in drain container to look for filings. There are two shaft speed indicators on your model for the output of the TC case so don't be suprised if one shows up as a code reference. Could be your front output shaft joint on the TC but I doubt it.
Grab and shake the TC output shafts for being loose at the yoke connection points.

So the only way to determine if my problem is defintily the TC is to pull it? Can I unplug it and drive the truck in 2wd?


Unplug the transfer case and take it for a spin. If the sound goes away, the problem is electrical (4wd is engaging prematurely). If it doesnt, its mechanical.

How do you know its the transfer case? It could be an axle or something.

And please dont double post -- you've already started the following thread which is similar to the current thread:

I don't know if it the TC, but it only makes the noise when I take my foot off the gas and start to slow down. otherwise the truck runs smooth and quiet. I'm going to unplug it and see what happens. Any other ideas?


Didn't mean to double post. I did not see my first one so I thought I did something wrong and posted again. Sorry


I have read that other with TC problems unplugged the unit and drove in 2wd. Where is this plug, is it the switch bolted to the TC or is it located somewhere else?


Follow the wires coming off of the transfer case, you'll see the big plug (of which I think there might be two).

Thanks for your help I appreaciate it.


No problem DJ Yoda


I pulled the plugs on the transfer case and still have the noise. Could it be the rear pinion bearing? Is that something that can be changed without pulling the TC?


The pinion bearing is in the rear axle -- not the transfer case. So yes that is changed w/o removing the transfer case.

I guess that shows I'm not the mechanic I thought I was!!! LOL

Thanks again

