Transmission plate noise? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission plate noise?


New Member
November 21, 2010
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'99 XLS
Hi, I have a metallic noise when the ex bump on bad roads, the noise came from the middle right bottom of the car.
I go under the car and found a plate in the side of the transmission to protect it from exhaust heat I think, I take a picture as you see. The plate is almost free, it has a metal little metal pieces (1 in) to attach it but I can do it, any advise how to fix it?

Thanks for the help (and the patience for my english!)


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That plate probably isn't causing the sound. It's more likely to be your exhaust rattling.

Pete, ther should be two clips on it,, and a bracket for a bolt up higher. First get it clipped to the edge of the transmission pan...the positioning here is crirical, like move forward or backward so it clips in the right spot. Put the nut back on the upper bracket if you can, but I tell mine is just clipped on, I don't know where the nut is or where is goes. Best wishes.

Pete, ther should be two clips on it,, and a bracket for a bolt up higher. First get it clipped to the edge of the transmission pan...the positioning here is crirical, like move forward or backward so it clips in the right spot. Put the nut back on the upper bracket if you can, but I tell mine is just clipped on, I don't know where the nut is or where is goes. Best wishes.

There are 2 clips in the bottom, and something 1 in the top that's fixed now, the 2 clips don't clipped on, I think I must flex the clips but I don't know if I must open or close it?


You have to snap it on there, make sure the clips are not too close to the servos or it won't go on right. What I mean is if you have it too far toward front of vehicle, it won't clip on. Or if it is too far to the rear it won't clip...has to be just right.

I try but not success, I think they are too closed or too open, the clips clip on by the inside of them or the outside? (to know if I need to open them or close them).
