TRANSMISSION PROBLEM (again) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 3, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Hilo, Hawaii but reside in Ridgecrest, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT 4WD
Alrighty Explorer guru's...

About 6 months ago to a year, I had posted a problem with my transmission being a little uncooperative during shifting. I was directed to an awesome webpage showing all kinds of "do-it-yourself" fixes via Dead Link Removed ... and have fixed -=most=- of the the problems explained on the page and it worked. Except for the transmission segment =( I've flushed the transmission 3 times, changed the transmission filter twice, polished the speed govenor twice, and replaced the electronic shifting module twice with no joy. I've been asking around at transmission shops, FORD dealerships and the old "backyard" mechanics on what the problem could be. No one knows... So once again, I'd like the concensus of the group (newcomers and old-timers) to help me troubleshoot the heck out of this problem.

When ever the outside ambient temperature is less than 65 degrees Farenheit, the transmission slips a little from 1st to 2nd gear from initial start-up in the morning until the engine temperature reaches 170 to 180 degrees. At this point, the transmission then sticks in 1st gear when going from a complete stop to 25 mph. I have to let off the gas in order for the transmission to shift into 2nd gear. And it doesn't stop there... it keeps shifting to 3rd and OD before I hit a speed of 40 mph. On the highway/freeway, if I tried to pass another vehicle, the Explorer would shift all the way down to 1st gear and "tach" out the tachometer at 5000 rpm's at a speed roughly around 60-70 mph.

Any thoughts???
I'd like to decrease the wear and tear on the engine since I just went over 124k last month. With this constant high rpm shifting and letting off of gas, maintenance that haven't done -=crap=- to fix the problem, unheard of maintenance labor costs from dealerships and garages and just downright gritting of teeth on tackling this problem is getting to me. I really don't want to rid myself of my first real vehicle, bought with my own money, original owner -=EXPLODER=- for another damned truck. I like mine and I'd like to keep it this way. Help me out guys. I really, really need it!

Take care and have a Happy New Year.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!"

Ipo Camacho
'91 Exploder 4WD

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If youve tried replacing the Voltage regulator, Throttle position sensor, and flushing the fluid with no avail, it seems like your looking at a rebuild..... unfortunately. :-( I don't know though.....maybe someone else has a better opinion or remedy. The A4lds Suck......thats why Im putting in a AOD from an F-150 in mine!!! (v8 swap)

Vacuum Diaphragm?

On the transmission pan, pass side there is a $30 part that may be causing your headaches. You have to drop the driveshaft to get at it I believe. If you have a Haynes, check out the auto tranny toubleshooting section in the front. It explains your problem and this as a poss solution.

Thanks for the input, fellas...

Gotta find that damned Haynes manual again... dammit! Thanks fellas...

My Automatic Tranny needs to be shot... :shoot:

I think your transmission already has! :shoot:



I've got a Ford service cd-rom with the Explorer on it....has lots of service and test for everything on the suv............
