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Trip Report: Truckhaven CA Thanksgiving pics

hey Jefe how close did you come to going over on that climb?
Yowsers :)

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410Fortune said:
hey Jefe how close did you come to going over on that climb?
Yowsers :)
This one? This is CJ hill

I don't know when exactly that pic was taken, but I beleive that right after that pic my front locker gave up and my rear end slipped left into a hole and I lifted the right front tire off. I carefully put it in reverse and gave up on that climb. Brian said I didn't have any balls, but I didn't see him trying it. :p



balls a plenty hombre

Cj hill is a fun place. Cant wait to do it again. Wish I could have made it. I am dieing to take the new ranger out to play.


cj hill is where fakrwe jacked up his truck and bent the ttb a few years back....

Matt, what year and when did you decidce no another Ranger, no Yota rock buggy?

Hell yeah!

well, diff cover is off and I know why I had one wheel not turning.

I know for sure I have one pin sheared so I'm going to replace them and give it hell again. that 5.13 ring gear sure looks big (thanks to Gjarrett I'll be able to get the center pin out without removing the carrier)


  • 513 gears.JPG
    513 gears.JPG
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My 'puter has been down for over a week and got it up and running again :thumbsup: Thanks Bill for letting me be co-pilot on fri nights run, that was too cool with the lights off. I've got my front axle off and apart so I can get the gears done (finally).

I belive that unamed hill is called the least thats what i've heard other people call it. Thats the same place all the yahoo's where gathered around at TDS right?

DB_1 said:
I belive that unamed hill is called the least thats what i've heard other people call it. Thats the same place all the yahoo's where gathered around at TDS right?
No. . .We aren't that crazy :p

This is on the backside, on the way up to the outlook above the waterfall, not too far from CJ hill. Did that make any sense? :confused:

Yup, made other words, different hill...heh heh ;) I thought the steps in that pic looked a little mellow to be the waterfall.

410Fortune said:
Matt, what year and when did you decidce no another Ranger, no Yota rock buggy?

Hell yeah!

Everybody has a yota buggy. the plan is rubicon/dusy ershim ready by summer and hammers ready by next winter. The truck can get wilder now then the old one cause i have a daily driver now. Just need a welder then the fun will really start
