Troubleshooting Ignition/Starter Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Troubleshooting Ignition/Starter Problems


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March 9, 2008
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01 Sport Trac
I know this is a frequent post on the site but I've been having an issue that I haven't really seen come up in any of the other threads.

This has been happening off and on for about two years now, as much as I can remember only when its cold outside. I will walk out to my truck go to start it and nothing. All the lights work, radio, I hear that initial whine sound from the engine bay (fuel pump), but turn the key and nothing. Sometimes I can turn it again and it will start beautifully. Other times I have to wait 15-20 minutes. Once it starts for the day it runs great until it sits and gets cold again. I've noticed it happens the most when the temperature drops rapidly which has been the case this past month.

I thought it was the starter but if I jump the starter it cranks but will not start. It will just turnover endlessly (I'm sure) with no outcome.

Anyone have an idea? I just had my IAC, fuel filter, MAF, and Throttle bodies replaced/cleaned in November.

I am thinking ignition but the whole cold weather thing is confusing.

Thanks for any help!

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This has been happening off and on for about two years now, as much as I can remember only when its cold outside. I will walk out to my truck go to start it and nothing. All the lights work, radio, I hear that initial whine sound from the engine bay (fuel pump), but turn the key and nothing.

Are you saying the engine does not even crank? Just silence?

Sometimes I can turn it again and it will start beautifully. (Crank & start?) Other times I have to wait 15-20 minutes. Once it starts for the day it runs great until it sits and gets cold again. I've noticed it happens the most when the temperature drops rapidly which has been the case this past month.

I thought it was the starter but if I jump the starter it cranks but will not start. It will just turnover endlessly (I'm sure) with no outcome.

I just want to get the facts straight.
Crank=engine turning over when the key is turned.
Start= runs

Since yours is an '01, what is the date of manufacture on the door sticker?

what happens to the security light in the dash when it doesn't want to crank/turn over?

Alright the problem hasn't occurred in awhile but this is exactly what happens when it does:

-Open door, lights come on, insert key and turn to ACC, all regular beeps and lights come on (including radio) Theft light flashes but not irregularly fast

-Turn key to crank and silence, the radio shuts off for an instant but that is usual. No crank, no turnover, no clicks, just silence.

-Wait 15-20 minutes, perfect start and idle.

-Sometimes if I hold the key in the crank position it will finally send the signal to crank but this is only after the 15 minute wait period.

I read somewhere online to try and jump the starter but I tried that once and all it did was turn over and over seemingly unable to "fire". It's almost like the ignition signal is not making it past the key.

My theories so far:

actual key is bad (someone told me this could happen)?
ignition is bad?
bad spark wires?
bad computer?

All of these theories are debunked with the 15-20 min period and given I can only remember it happening when its cold. It;s very odd.

Thanks for yall's help though. It's really annoying.

ncranchero, I sent the truck to a mechanic to see if he could pull any codes so I haven't been able to get the manufacture date off the door yet, but I will as soon as I hear from him. Is there a known issue that the 01's have?

Okay, I got a call from my mechanic today and he said the car hasn't acted up but a code was stored from before. Apparently the ignition transceiver is bad. He said he was unable to do anything it due to the necessity of Ford's computer to reprogram a new one. Does anyone have an idea?

I was thinking maybe its the key itself and I should switch to my spare and see what happens?

if the key was bad, the theft light would have flashed fast.

if you were to jump the starter as previously mentioned, the key needs to be in the run position.

since the antitheft system has the ability to disable the crank function, maybe something is a little funny in there, as your mechanic has mentioned.

if you're handy enough, wire a pushbutton to the starter solenoid temporarily, turn key to run , push the button and see if it starts
