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Trucks! Sucks


Elite Snow Shoveler
Elite Explorer
March 23, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Parsippany, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
I can't stand Trucks! V2.0
Those two idiots drive me crazy.

I don't watch it, but I left it on after Xtreme today and couldn't help but hear/ see some of the stupidity as I went about my business around the house (good rainy day for cleaning out the inside of my Mac).

So they're doing this old F-100. It's a repeat, I know but it was my first view. It's a Ford for crap sake, and a classic at that. "Some one put a Nova front clip on, and it's a pretty good job, so we'll leave it." If you have a classic like that and were real men, wouldn't you try to get it back to what it should be? This is my opinion, but being that the Mustang II front end is the most popular front suspension swap in the world, maybe that'd be better? Well I guess if you wanna keep the f'ing GM 350 in there! C'mon guys, put a Ford in there! You have the money that you saved on that dumb-ass "Project $-10k" truck! Another complete f-up! Let's do a cheap build up of a small truck and put an engine in that in order to work on you have to remove the entire front clip!!

But I'm getting off track here...

So they could've put in a new Ford motor, or even better yet, a Flathead and made it into a classic hot rod style truck. But nnnnnooooooo.

So the stock rear end would be weak w/ that great 350 that we put in, but guess what? The previous owner had thought of that too and put in a really strong 10 bolt GM unit! What what great idea! We'll just leave that in there too! We have no idea how to swap a rearend anyway! Gee, let's think about this, every f'ing show on the spike channel puts Currie built Ford 9" rears in. But we're building a classic Ford, so lets put in a GM 10 bolt!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a GM hater in any way. I'd love to have a classic Cutlass, Monte, Chevelle, GTO/LeMans, Reagal/GN etc. I'd drive it every where! But man, taking a messed up classic F-100 and NOT fixing it up is a sin!

Man, these guys are f-ing a-holes! I hate what they've done to what was the best do it yourself fabrication show on TV. I'm really sorry, Stacey!


OK, I'm done ranting.

Have a nice weekend, y'all.

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Trucks = 30 minutes of Informercial content.

I no longer watch any Trucks! episodes. Seen all of the Stacey David ones, and absolutely think the new Trucks! is worthless.

Yeah the new show sucks. But I think all the new ones do. Anyone know what happend to Stacey David? or why the show was changed?
Also unless I missed it I don't think Stacey finished the SG rock project before the new show came about.

lets email truck and tell them how much they suck.
He says it's finished, and we'll see how in one of his future endeavors. We shall see. I'd love for him to get back on TV and show us.

I think Trucks is now catering to the 12 year old pro-wrestling fans:rolleyes:

Maybe I should be glad I have not seen this show yet, LOL

Check it out, if you dare. It'll be on tomorrow on Spike (Old TNN) at 12:30 Eastern.

But yeah, 12 year old wrestling fans.

Haha. I was listening to it in another room earlier today (nothing else was on) and thought they had a wrestler on the show.

I watched one episode with the new guys. I agree - it is terrible. I'm just waiting for the brute to slip in a "Brother!" a'la Hulk Hogan.
