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TTB v.s. IFS

im sorry could you elaborate o n that junkie im not too familiar with this process.. but i am interested in doing it

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well you can wheel with both but my preferance is the first gen its only mojor drawback is its automatic transmission

You could get manuals in first gens.


Keep it up with the input guys, I need to upgrade my suspension from stock this year...

im sorry could you elaborate o n that junkie im not too familiar with this process.. but i am interested in doing it

Ford F-350 trucks 1986-1997 and F-250/350 from 2002-current (all non-dually) are the donors you'd want to look at for heavy-duty hardware. Front axle is a hi-pinion Dana 60, rear is the Ford (Sterling) 10.25/10.50" (the later trucks will have disc brake rears).

You'll want to run around a 36" tire minimum on such axles though to keep a decent amount of clearance under the larger diff housings. The width might bring some challenges if you want to keep it street-legal as well (keeping the tires covered).

Of course this is getting into the pretty serious side of modification and fabrication, and is probably WAAYY off in the distant future for 4x4Newbie (if at all even).
I would recommend for someone starting out to stick with the stock D35/8.8" on a TTB truck, get the suspension up 3-4", slap some 33-35" tires on it (trimming fenders where needed, maybe also add a small bodylift) and go have some fun (do the upgrades I mentioned above). I doubt he'd have any issues to come for a good while.

junkie- i am gunna have this truck forever. so down the road its all changin. solid front/bigger rear and new drive train. width is fine, ill fab up somethin to keep it street legal. although, couldnt i "cut" the axles down. i know they do it for jeeps all the time because of ther width. i want bigger suspension and leafs up front, so much so that i can be comfortable takin that dang body lift off. so this is somethin i woudl seriously be interested in. however "down the road"

You can narrow the axles, sure. Once you're up that high though, you'll probably want to leave 'em wide (better stability).

true true... what is this double t-case that u have? whats that meen?

It greatly lowers your crawl speed.

Do a search for "doubler", should get you plenty of info about it ;)

o thats pretty cool.. but i aint gunna do much crawling prolly.. but sweet

i am madly in love with my 94 exploder. 6 inch superlift. dropped even length tie rods, 3 inch body lift, on bfg 35x12.5x15. i can attest to the beef that ttb has under it. i live in montana and wheel this thing like crazy. if you do the spicer mod and full locking clips instead of those junk c-clips they put on from the factory that truck will never leave you high and dry. the only thing i am not super happy with is the design of the spindles and hubs. the auto locking hubs are garbage and i have shredded a few of those spindle nuts as they are aluminum, but recently converted to warn manual locking hubs and warn spindle nuts and it makes a world of difference!
