Turn Signals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Turn Signals


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
So now somethings up with my left turn signal. When i use the left signal the light blinks fast, as in three or four times per second. The right signal is still slow, probably once per second. Anyone have any idea why the left signal would change speed while the right signal stayed the same? More importantly, how do I make them match again because its startin to annoy me. Thanks.

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I am not certain here, but have you checked all the blinking lights? Fast blink suggestes a change in resistance overall in the light system, such as a burned out or soon to be bulb, etc.

I am not certain here, but have you checked all the blinking lights? Fast blink suggestes a change in resistance overall in the light system, such as a burned out or soon to be bulb, etc.
Yep, fast blinking means that a bulb is out somewhere. That is a feature built into most vehicles these days.

That's happened to me before, you just need to change your left turn signal bulb.

same problem ..right rear turn signal not working..everything else seems to be.
Changed the bulb, still no worky. anything else to try?

If your signal indicator is flashing on your dash, then its a problem with the wiring leaving thereafter (follow W/LB). If there is no dash indicator, then your MFS or connection to it is bad... again follow / check the W/LB (at least in my 96 wiring drawings).

same problem ..right rear turn signal not working..everything else seems to be.
Changed the bulb, still no worky. anything else to try?

shake the socket, look for frayed or shorted wires, the socket the bulb plugs into needs to be clean of junk and corrosion that can cause a no conductivity event and appear to be a burnt out bulb

ok, I'll have to check that this weekend..got no garage and it's raining..
thanks for the responses :)

ok, evderything looks fine..right rear bulb is good, no frayed wires, no corrosion that I can see. it just will not blink . turn signal or hazard. no blinky..guess I'm gonna hafta pay somebody to fix it. dang!

"looking" for voltage is like looking at a woman, she might be alright but when you get "down to it", she ain't no good. Get a meter and measure some points for voltage.... or get your credit card ready... :)
