U-Joints Stuck, need help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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U-Joints Stuck, need help!


August 8, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Crossett, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Okay, so due to my vibration issue, I decided to change out the U-joints tonight. I removed the driveshaft from the vehicle and removed all of the snap rings. The problem is that the end caps seem to be stuck in the yokes (becuase of rust??). A friend and I beat on the ends using a couple of sockets and a big hammer, but the caps didn't budge. The best we could do for now is to spray them with some PB and let it sit overnight.

Any ideas on what to do?

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Try a large c-clamp with the sockets and keep pressure on them. It would have been nice if the c-clamp was on it overnight with the PB. Try the old standby of applying heat to the area around the caps while tighting clamp.

Welcome to the site...
It is very common for the U-joint bearing caps to be very hard to remove... When trying to change mine for the first time I beat the living P!$$ out of one cap with a sledge hammer and only managed to move the cap 1-2mm :mad: . Go to your auto parts store and pickup the U-joint (ball joint) tool. This looks like a huge "C" clamp and will allow you to safely press out the caps. Take a peek at the U-joint info in my sig line. It contains a detailed write up (with pics) on how to replace u-joints. A word of caution. When installing the new u-joint only install 1 bearing cap at a time and then press it through the other side to install the opposing cap.. If you try to take a short cut and press both caps in at the same time you risk the chance of a needle bearing falling loose and getting jammed at the end of the cap... (I did this and fubar'd the bearing requiring another trip to the parts store for another U-Joint.)

Thanks - I knew about the tool, but I thought the sledge would do just as good. Back to AutoZone to see if they have the tool...

Napa had the tool for a $250 deposit

i bought it from Harbor Frieght for $20 bucks. Great tool to have around, i wish it was a lil bigger sometimes

Instead of trying to Hit the Caps with the socket, place the 'U' joint ends (without the caps) between two pieces of wood or straddle the Jaws on a Vise, then hit the Drive shaft AT THE WELD LINE where the Shaft is welded to the Yoke. That's the strongest part, it wont dent.

I was able to rent the tool at AutoZone. The U-joints popped out after just a little elbow grease. Thanks to all for the help.
