UCORA is now open for business! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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UCORA is now open for business!


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
Since coming to the Explorerforum, I've been very outspoken about my faith and my love for off-roading. Now, several men and women have combined our efforts and formed a new group tailored for the Christian off-road community.

We are not "exclusive" - anyone can join - but we are Christian - and will provide a safe haven for the Christain enthusiast and moderate against language and content that are not family-safe We do feel very strongly about freedom of expression, but ask that our visitors and members express themselves without violence, anger, or cursing. Additionally, we do not exist to "rob" any other forum of their own members, and in fact, it is one of our express goals to further the local club activity in the off-road world.

So, without further ado, here is our introductory email letter...

Come on over and check us out.

New Christian Offroad group just formed!

Greetings fellow Christian off-road enthusiast! Great news, we now have a National Christian offroad group!

Read below!

In all walks of life, believers want to share the love of God with those they interact with. Every time we see another Christian off-road club like yours or the ones we belong to, we get excited and want to share it with others. Within the off-road community, we love to have fun and travel the narrow road, both literally and spiritually. It has been the desire of many people to unite these groups and clubs and begin working together to bring glory to God. Like you, we want to spread the “Good Newsâ€￾ and enjoy the sport of off-roading. We think you’ll agree that the formation of a nationwide or world wide organization will help all of us accomplish that goal. The great part is that it's happening right now!

Introducing UCORA - United Christian Off-Road Alliance

We ask you to check us out and see how you and your club can play a part in this great task. Please see our letter of intent here: http://www.ucora.org/about.html

Now that you have seen what we are about, please email us back as soon as possible. Please be sure to respond in the three following areas:

1. Your thoughts, questions, etc., about ucora.
2. Would your club be willing to add ucora to its links page?
3. Would you be willing to participate on any level with this newly formed alliance?

The list of known Christian off-road groups (it's pretty exciting, take a look): http://www.ucora.org/links.html

If you are part of a club or organization and you feel that someone else should have received this letter, please forward it on to them and take a moment to notify us by e-mail. If you know of any other clubs or organizations not listed in our links page, we request that you share this email with them too! We are very excited to hear back from you

Yours in Christ,

The UCORA founders

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Yeah nice looking site :thumbsup:

Good looking site. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Nice website.. I'm gonna keep this open since no one has started any debate about religion. I'm glad to see that there are other coalition/groups started that share the same compassion about offroading.

Blee1099 said:
Nice website.. I'm gonna keep this open since no one has started any debate about religion. I'm glad to see that there are other coalition/groups started that share the same compassion about offroading.

I really appreciate that! :D

No debate needed here - just info.

We understand that some folks don't share some of our values - that's OK. We are not trying to shove anything in anyone's face - just collect those that want to come... :thumbsup:

Collect? those that want to come, are Christian non-offroaders wellcome? the pure streeters?
No debate intended G, just some info as you asked for:)



I really like the web site!

The way I see it, every member who has ever off-roaded should join. Do you know how many times folks yell (or think) "God help me..." as they descend a steep incline or boulder field? :)

spindlecone said:
Collect? those that want to come, are Christian non-offroaders wellcome? the pure streeters?
No debate intended G, just some info as you asked for:)

Our intended purpose is for Christian off-roaders, but if you want to register, you would be welcome.

spindlecone said:
Collect? those that want to come, are Christian non-offroaders wellcome? the pure streeters?
No debate intended G, just some info as you asked for:)

Anyone is welcome - but just realize that the main thrust of the site is the Christian off-road crowd. If we get a bunch of street guys, I expect that we can accomodate them as well - but that wasn't out vision from the start. We'll just have to play that one by ear.

AdamCKach said:
he way I see it, every member who has ever off-roaded should join. Do you know how many times folks yell (or think) "God help me..." as they descend a steep incline or boulder field?

Yup... been there - done that - have the T-shirt to prove it. (And I used to do it with an 80,000 # bulk milk truck on the glare ice hills of Western Wisconsin... :D )

When you get a bunch of street guys, might be kind of nice to enclude them into your fold.

glfredrick said:
I'm one of the forum admins... if we get a bunch of street dudes, we WILL create a forum for you. :thumbsup:
Please keep us street dudes posted, as a christian I may have an interest.

Update you sig GL :) There is a comma after www(in the link)

BTW, nice site


The website is awesome! Nice to see that there are more Christians than I ever thought that like offroading. I even checked out some of the links. Unfortunately since there are no legal places for 4x4's to offroad in Connecticut, there are few offroad clubs here, and a Christian one would definitely be a rarity.

My prayers are with you and your endeavor. God Bless

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Premier said:
Update you sig GL :) There is a comma after www(in the link)

BTW, nice site


I made the change. I made the classic mistake of a typo and not testing the link.

SoBeLover said:
The website is awesome! Nice to see that there are more Christians than I ever thought that like offroading. I even checked out some of the links. Unfortunately since there are no legal places for 4x4's to offroad in Connecticut, there are few offroad clubs here, and a Christian one would definitely be a rarity.

That is one of the things we are working to try to change... You might be suprised to see who pops up out of the woodwork once we get rolling... I've already been suprised at some of the people that have come on in that I know from Pirate and other places that no one knew were Christians...

Did you see this thread? It is about as close to you as it is probably going to get... http://explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1117417#post1117417

Spidlecone - I am talking to the other Founders about adding a street section. I guess that modifying one's truck is "off-road" even if it is "on-road"! :D
