Ummm, is this leaf spring normal? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ummm, is this leaf spring normal?


Cat 3 Hurricane Rated
July 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Venice florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Eddie Bauer
Well i was painting my drums and calipers and saw this, the only things in the back were my sub, and a small box that holds my roadside stuff.

1- is this normal?

1A-or normal for 12 year old springs?

2-is it safe?

thanks charlie


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Not sure what we're suposed to be looking at, but my over-load is tucked up like that on my 2000.

They have less curve with the tire off and the floor jack in place:)

spindlecone said:
They have less curve with the tire off and the floor jack in place:)

I have to agree, you have jacked the curve out, they will flex back when it is sitting on it's own.

??? is that jack on the shock mount/spring perch, or the axle tube ????

dreamr said:
I have to agree, you have jacked the curve out, they will flex back when it is sitting on it's own.

??? is that jack on the shock mount/spring perch, or the axle tube ????

alright its ok, good.

as for the jack its on the spring plate seen on page10-15 fig.17.4 in Haynes
the plate that the u bolts go into. that is the right place,

and yes the parking brake was on and i had a choke behind the other wheel, if i was going to work on something i would use a jackstands :thumbsup:
