under seat mounted subs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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under seat mounted subs

July 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
marlton, nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Eddie Bauer
ive got a set of mtx subs that im trying to mount as inconspicuously as possible. has anyone had expirence mounting small boxes under the rear seats?

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I doubt there is enough room under the front seats, and if you put them under the rear seats you can forget about folding down the rear seats. With that being said, I havnt heard of anybody doing this. I think you would be better off putting in a Q logic stealth box in the stock sub location/rear storage compartment. Good luck!

yeah, i dont have the money for a q logic box, and i really need to have the seats able to be folded down. other than the custom box, is there any wat to mount the boxes out of the way? its only two 8 inch truck boxes. i know its not much, but for less than $100, its a great deal.

same problem here. i needed a setup that would allow the back seats to be folded down when i needed them, but i have 2 10" Rockfords. theres absolutely no room under those back seats at all. i can't stick a textbook under there and have it completely fold down. i ended up getting a box that stretches across the wheel well humps with some rubber feet, so it wouldnt slide. that way i could at least fold the seats down and stick crap under the box when i need the space.

yeah, ill prolly just stick them in the back, and take them out when i need to load my band's gear up. thanks for all your suggestions

Two 8's can go under the back seat no problem, but you wont be able to fold it down like mentioned above.
Two 8's can also go in doors or in the cargo area, or in a custom center console with about as much work....

I needed to maintain my cargo space as well, so I made my boxes removable. I made a junction box behind the rear seats that I can unplug the subs from and remove them if required.

A word of caution, don't pull the wire out of the back of the sub box and let them hang. if the amp is on and the wires touch each other (+ to -) they will short out the amp. I learned this the hard way.
