UPDATE on no O.D. after engine change | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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UPDATE on no O.D. after engine change


February 18, 2004
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Hello everyone, Well I checked all connections, replaced the ECT sensor, and had no change. I did buy a code scanner and received many error codes, mainly about the EGR system, 1 about the o2 sensor, 1 about the TPS sensor, and the BIG ONE 3-4 shift solenoid circuit falure (KOEO test) A4LD tranny.
also the other day, it seemed that I did have OD while doing 60 mph, but when I accelerated, the rpms went ahead of the speedo, almost like the converter was not locking.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.

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Sounds like there's a lot going one here, so I'll focus on the no 4th gear and no TCC lockup.
Originally posted by JOHN BUFF
...1 about the TPS sensor, and the BIG ONE 3-4 shift solenoid circuit falure (KOEO test) A4LD tranny.
also the other day, it seemed that I did have OD while doing 60 mph, but when I accelerated, the rpms went ahead of the speedo, almost like the converter was not locking.
It sounds like there might be a little confusion as to what OD is. OD (overdrive) is any transmission gear ratio less than one -- where the output shaft is spinning faster than the input shaft. OD=4th gear. In addition to 4th gear, the torque converter is equipped with a "lockup clutch" that allows for a more efficient mechanical connection under the right conditions. Just so you know that 4th gear and torque converter lockup are not the same thing. From your description I suspect neither is working properly all the time.
The diagnostic on the 3-4 shift circuit isn't very sensitive to faults. The fact that the code comes up indicates one of three possible faults:
1) No power to the 3-4 shift solenoid. Make sure that the 3-4/TCC lockup connector got plugged into the transmission. Make sure that none of the wires got pinched or cut. Make sure there is battery voltage at the B+ supply wire (red usually) to the transmission solenoids.
2) A broken wire in the circuit or a solenoid that has lost continuity. Again, make sure everything is plugged in and no wires are broken. Check the continuity of the solenoid.
3) Short to ground.

The other thing I see that directly effects the 3-4 shift and the torque lockup is the TPs code. Throttle position is one of the two most important inputs the PCM uses in deciding when to shift into 4th gear and lockup the TCC. A fault in the TPS circuit can have adverse effects on the operation of the 3-4 shift and the TCC lockup.

The first thing to do is to resolve all those codes. First step in doing this is to sort the codes by type: KOEO hard faults, KOER fault codes, and continuous memory codes. For best results, diagnose them in that order (ie resolve the KOEO hard faults before dealing with the KOER faults or the continuous memory codes.

Thanks for the reply, I will be working on repairing the code faults. Also I should have mentioned that I was going to do a "Wiggle" test as stated in my code scanner book, which told me with the key on, and only the audio button on the scanner on, that if I wiggled different wires and connectors and heard an audio signal, that I have found the fault. As soon as I turned the key on and than the audio button on (on code scanner) it sounded a contineous signal.
Maybe something is grounded, than again maybe there is an open circuit.
Well atleast the motor runs nice, I had a rod knock after the oil pump died in the last motor, and was hoping that a newer engine (71,000) would help, but it just goes on and on, guess I should have kept the ramcharger.
Thanks all.

Thank the lord (and you guys), I now have overdrive and when I tap the brakes at 55mph the rpms go up as the TC unlocks. At 70 mph I'm tacking about 1800 and if I apply the gas, the rpms and speedo rise with each other.
What I did was remove the battery cables for 1 hour, and then drove around the city to rest the VSS, like I said earlier, I changed the TPS and VSS this morning.

So the TPS and VSS were at fault then????

hello, thanks for your time... vss I think fixed the problem.
No troubles for the last few months.
Have a good one
