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Vaccum Leak


Well-Known Member
September 16, 2010
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City, State
west palm beach, florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 explorer
I have a 95 explorer sport with a 4.0 and everytime i accelerate i hear a vaccum leak, also the car seems to drive kinda sluggish, any ideas where that vaccum leak comes from?

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ohv or sohc?

probably the plenum gaskets. done this job on my ohv, about 2 hr process if you do the upper manifold gasket at the same time, the gasket set comes with the plenum gaskets and the upper manifold gasket. if you just did the plenum gasket it could be a 1 hr job if you are good with tools, and have the right tools.

Hmm sounds like the IAC
Do a search for "IAC" lot of info

my iac has a red hose that leads down to a black cap, I have never seen one like that before anyone know where that could have come from? the tach doesnt seem to go about 2500 rpm either would that still be the gaskets or the iac?

i just cleaned the iac and the maf sensor so when i have a chance to drive it i ll see if that made any kind of diference.

Could an exhaust leak be responsible for the sound and lack of power. It sounds like the exhaust has a leak. Just noticed it this morning also I cleaned the iac and the maf sensor and it made little to no difference on how the :exp:drives. The car probably needs to have the rear dif fluid changed and a tune up along with fuel filter changed. I just bought this car a month ago with 107xxx miles and it had no problems now it's like kakow! It all the sudden needs a bunch of crap hahaha

If the intake gaskets were leaking wouldnt i be getting a lean code? the check engine light doesnt come on
