Vaccum resevoir? Vents question. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vaccum resevoir? Vents question.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
All the settings For the vents/heat only push air through the defrost vents. I'm guessing I have a vaccum leak. This started after my sterio was stolen. All the wires visually seem okay, haven't checked the fuses though. But perhaps it could be something else?

Months prior I was changing plugs and under the splash shield on passenger wheel there was this plastic ball with two small hoses running from it. When I finished the job, I must not have secured the ball tightly in place because it's gone. What is this thing for and do I need it? Could this be the cause of my vents problem and the sterio theft happen to alert me to the problem or been a coincidence? Or could the sterio have caused the problem? I haven't replaced the radio yet.

I appreciate any feedback. I'd like to try and solve this problem. Thank you in advance.

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The bulb is the cause. Replace it, and see if your problem goes away. The bulb is a vacuum reservoir. Without it, the vent system, which is vacuum controlled, defaults to defrost.

All the settings For the vents/heat only push air through the defrost vents.

I have this same exact problem, and I recently had my radio stolen as well :(

However this problem existed before that event.

I believe I could see a vacuum hose line just hanging out in the radio compartment area, so maybe just a disconnected hose...

What is this bulb you ^^ speak of ?


the bulb is probably fine,, check around where the radio came out of, for a vacuum line disconnected,
i had this problem with my heater as well and found out that if there is a leak in any part of the vacuum system for the heat it will not switch, find the vacuum leak and problem solved..

Thank you everyone. I just got back from the junkyard and picked up the vacuum reservoir for $5. I'll post back results. Also reprogrammed my key fab and replaced the batteries. Next I need to figure out why my fog lights don't work then install my new cd/dvd player and I'll have a like new 215k mi truck!

Thank you everyone. I just got back from the junkyard and picked up the vacuum reservoir for $5. I'll post back results. Also reprogrammed my key fab and replaced the batteries. Next I need to figure out why my fog lights don't work then install my new cd/dvd player and I'll have a like new 215k mi truck!

Good luck! Post pics if you can... very interested!
