Vents wont blow on Floor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vents wont blow on Floor


September 1, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Tulsa, Ok
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLS 4.0 4x4
Ok.. Its starting to get really cold around here and my vents dont seem to blo won the floor. I can pop the glove box out and both of the vacuum pots operate that you can see right there. Both arms move in and out and both are moving their respective plastic arms. I can change the controls from vent to defrost fine but when I change it to floor it doesnt seem like the air coming out down low really changes. There seems to always be a slight amount of air coming out top and bottom. Is there another vacuum pod that I cant see that is maybe not doing what it is suppose to? I like to put the heat on high on the floor when its cold and let the heat rise. When its on vent I at least have heat but the feet get pretty cold. Any help would be appreciated. I did some searching but I cant find this exact issue.

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Ok, If no one knows the answer then does anyone know where a good exploded view or lots of pictures of the air box are at? I have looked around on google but I am finding too much information but not specific enough information.

Website below has a bunch of exploded drawings that show the HVAC system parts. It might be the same as what Number4 posted above.

For what it's worth, my 02 never seemed to put out enough heat on the driver's side on the floor either. When checking it out, I found more heat blowing out the passenger side than the driver's side. I ended up blocking off the vent that goes to the rear of the console just to try to keep more of the heat up front on the floor instead of the rear. But it was still pretty low air flow on the driver's side foot air opening. Not sure if that's just by design or what. My 06 is a little better but nowhere near the air flow I had on my 94 Mustang.

Good luck and post back what you find.

Thanks Hook, Yea I am use to Mustangs and well most other Fords that have plenty of Heat on the feet. I will keep messing with it to see if i can find a reason.
