Ventshade Vent Visors?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ventshade Vent Visors?!


Active Member
February 23, 2003
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Fond du Lac, WI-home Madison, WI-school(UW)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT 4x4
I finally got the time to put them on(christmas present). Anyways, I dry fit them like it says in the directions. Well, lowe and behold, they dont fit!:mad: Not only did the read window motor not have enough force to push the window all the way up, it completely stopped when it hit the "shade", even though I had it in the correct position. For the front window there is a flange that is not taped, it just slips into a spot in the channel...or is supposed to. Wouldnt ya know, that dont fit there either, the flange doesnt even go in its spot, therefore, I cant even get the rest into the channel. My buddy has a '93 and said he had to modify his with a Dremel tool to get them to go up inside. I'm wondering if I'll have to do the same. Also, who does Ventshade think they are for making such a crappy fitting product.

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I have them on mine and love them. It was very easy to put them on. Maybe you are doing it wrong? I know I had to pull the ruber back in order for the tab to fit.

I have ventshades on my truck and other than cracking when being attacked by errant tree branches they have held up pretty well.

I have Ventshade Ventvisors and they have worked and fit pretty well. The tab on the bottom of the visors is tricky and will occasionally (1 or 2 times in the last 3 years) get in the way of the window, but I keep my eye on it and push it when that happens. Recently I had to re-tape them, the 2-sided tape will wear out after a few years.

Yeha, I just got back from checking them. I'm not satisfied at all with the fit and will definitely need to grind some angles on them for the windows to slide up easier. The rear wont close up to my expectations, and the front has to have the flange pushed out so it can shut.:mad:

I have the ones that fit on the outside. I was told too stay away from the insiders for just such a problem.

I have only used the Lund vent shades and have never had a problem. I like the Lund better and it matches my Lund Bug Guard

I have a lund bug gaurd also, but my aunt bought them online for me as a christmas present so I just figured piss on it and put them on. Perhaps the ones that attach from the outside would of worked better.....I'm thinkin so.

if you want to get the Lund try cabelas thats the cheapest I found them. $40 for the set of 4

I like the inside ones because they tend to stay on better than the outside ones. When I put mine on I had to push the window up by hand to the normal position and then I waited a day or so for the glue to cure all the way and now they go up and down just fine. I have a 2 door so they might be diff??

The ones that attach on the outside don't look as nice IMO. I probably wouldn't have gotten them myself, but they were on when I bought it so I wasn't going to complain. Then again, I do drive with my windows open all the time so I actually like them a lot.

Call Auto Ventshade. They have these little clips to put under the ventshade.

Yep the inside ones look neater. Try to let it sit for a while. Keep playing with it. After a while it'll give room to fit both the window glass and the ventshade. You want a better quality than Ventshade? Get WeatherTech. It'll cost you twice as much but the quality and fit are twice as good.

By the way, I have the inside ones too...

this is why i got the ford vent visor' perfct

Umm...the Ford OEM visors are made by AutoVentshade company. You may notice it looks exactly the same as the ones sold at an auto parts store that is made by AutoVentshade.

About your front visor doesn't fit in, the very end of the tab (the one at the front) fits right between the side mirror and the outside of the window channel. I had the same problem when I first got it and actually cracked the tab. I reglued it and found that tab fits in that little gap between the mirror and the window channel. I said, call them up and see if they have these little clips availabe to install in the window channel. I did that a couple of years ago and I have absolutely no problems with them anymore.

Here's their phone number: (800) 241-7219

Good luck!!

I installed mine yesterday.
No problems with the fronts, but I am having the same problem with the rear ones.
The window hits it and won't go up anymore.
I will try to cut them down with the dremal and see what happens.

the ford ones are "in channal" and the AVS's are stock on..atleast the ones i have seen..and the ford ones say ford on seem thicker)

My Auto Ventshades are in-channel installation. I can even take pics of mine and let you compare it.

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ok take some pic's please...i will get pic's of mine..i dident know AVS made "inchannal" ones..hmm
