Video of my truck (exhaust, headlights, ect) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Video of my truck (exhaust, headlights, ect)


Explorer Addict
September 23, 2003
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1999 Ford Explorer Sport

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it sounds awesome! Does dumped mean it just exits the muffler?
And I know you did other mods as well, but what do you think putting an original 40 on stock pipes? I know it wont sound anything in your video though.

it was a lot louder/deeper when it was just straight Y pipe with muffler (no highflow cat) When I added the highflow cat, it calmed it down to the point where I can stand it now. When I had stock piping on, it was pretty loud just not deep. It was however deeper than anything I had in the past (Super 40, Super 44, SUV 50, Imco XTREME) Original 40 is the best muffler I had so far on this motor. Dumped means it just has a down pipe coming out the exit of the muffler and dumps under the truck

well you've done a good job. I'm trying to decide if I should just run a y pipe with stock and 40 series. Changing the pipes looks harder than I thought.
Is it normal start the y pipe after the cats or connecting it to the muffler?
Sorry I'm new at most of this.

you have to do it like this


It's a magnaflow Y pipe. dual 2.25", single 2.5". I got it from

I just bought a flowmaster 40 series and two 2.5inch pipes that are about a foot and a half long. And 2 clamps. I know I'm still gonna need more in a while.
I should be ordering the y pipe soon.

I do like that explorer a lot. :thumbsup:
