Vintage Pumpkin Rockcrawl and Layover Video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vintage Pumpkin Rockcrawl and Layover Video


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

This must have been videotaped in 2001 right after I changed to the Bilstein Coilovers. I remember I was trying to see how far off camber I could go with the new suspension. The attempt obviously turned into a YouTube moment o_O

The trail was "Raw Deal". right off of Table Mesa Rd.

@Diff Whack Daddy

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Wow that suspension took a beating! Looked like fun too!
What an awesome truck! Should be in the Ford vehicle hall of Fame, if there is one.

That truck is definitely a testament to the first gen's toughness. It's been lifted and on at least 33" tires since it had 500 miles on it. 15 years later and still going strong:burnout:

Did it smoke when you started it up?

Ouch! Of course Abby has a lot more miles on her than the Pumpkin

I don't remember mine smoking much in t-haven the first time over either. Maybe it is left to right side dependent for the smoke show.

Haha, put another 125,000 on it and try again ;-).

It is low mileage. A mere 6500 miles a year for 23 years :D

The pcv valve is on the driver's side of the 4.0 if I remember correctly..

@Albino 94LTD did you check your oil level after your layover and smoke show? Just curious if it went down by a noticeable amount.

Yes I did and No it didn't. I figure that was about 1 cup of oil into the exhaust manifold and muffler which is why it smoked so long. I don't think it got into the combustion chamber (this time).
The first flop here in the NW, I shut the engine off and it locked up. We had to pull the plugs on the left side to spit out the oil (she ran on 3 cylinders) and she smoked for about 30 minutes
