Stic-o's New front Bumper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o's New front Bumper


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well I got my new toy today! Found this Bumper in the Recycler for $50 bucks ;) Came off a '66 EB. It's made from 1/4" 2x4's. Weights about 125lbs.




Can't wait to get it on!!! :bounce: :bounce:

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very nice....good find

BKennedy said:
So, is it gonna fit your Explorer?

I'll make it fit ;)

The EB frame width (center to center) is 27" and the Ex is about 28 3/4" :rolleyes:

You should let me have that.. you know, so you can still build your tube one. :D

That should look. . . um. . .interesting on the front of your rig. :p

But hey, for $50 I guess its a steal, especially with the roller fairlead so everyone thinks you have a winch :D

Jefe said:
That should look. . . um. . .interesting on the front of your rig. :p

But hey, for $50 I guess its a steal, especially with the roller fairlead so everyone thinks you have a winch :D

Your just Jealous! :p

I could have got a D44 off a K5 too but I passed on it cause a a K5 is Pass. drop. :thumbdwn: And I don't anywhere to store something I'm not going to use. Altough I'm thinking I should have just for the nuckles. :rolleyes:

BKennedy said:
It looks like you have some work cut out for you. Did it come with those scrawny chicken legs in the pictures? :D :rolleyes: Those Scrawny chiken legs picked it up for me. It's at my dad's house, I havn't actualy seen it yet in person.

:thumbsup: Tough lookin bumper.

Nice bumper for $50 :thumbsup:

Well finally did a test fit today. This is what it will look like.


It's not on straight in the picture, just there for pic.

Not bad at all. Only suggestion I have is to paint the diamond plate black. I think would look much better.

are you accessible to a sand blaster and have it powder coated...I wish I were lucky like you in finding what I want...good job, looks sharp!!

Bumper is now on! :D

Check it out!



I'm not sure about the lights where there at yet :rolleyes: Looks a little like a frog or something.

Bumper looks good :thumbsup:

The lights :thumbdwn:
They need to be lower (either hanging from the upper bar, or above the main bar)

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Jefe said:
Bumper looks good :thumbsup:

The lights :thumbdwn:
They need to be lower (either hanging from the upper bar, or above the main bar)
I just put them there to get then on :rolleyes: I was going to put them under the hoop but I need to make piece to go across first. If I flip them now the side bars are in the way :(
